Shinto Tournament PT.1/Legendary advice

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He had faith in him and said that "It's just a theory and until further evidence is provided it will be just that."

But she put that conversation in the back of her mind.

Serafall: Are you.....alright?

Izou narrows his eyes at that but answers anyway...

Izou: I'm fine...don't concern yourself with me.

Serafall: How could I not be concerned about you?

Izou: If you were concerned you wouldn't have put me in Cocytus for thirteen years for saving your race.

She grimaced at that remark, he was right.

She called him crazy a year ago and that remark bit her on the ass and so she stayed quiet.

Izou: And saved your race from being poisoned by that idiot Shalba.

She stayed silent still, she just let him talk.

Izou: Well I'm heading out, see you later–

She grabbed his hand which stopped him in his tracks.

Serafall: Um.... if it's not too much to ask are you going to be doing something tonight, we haven't hung out in a while without you trying to kill me and also Indra wants to see you.

A/n: Shiva and Indra look like they're superior versions from record of ragnarok.

He stayed still for a few seconds but eventually relented.

Izou: Fine, I guess I can be there.

Serafall smiled and hugged him and leaned up to his ear and whispered....

Serafall: Thanks Sweetheart~

She walked away with a sway of her hips and turned around and winked at him.

Izou: (What the fuck is going on here?)

He truly didn't know what to do here for the first time in his life.

But with Serafall she was having the same thoughts.

Serafall: (W-Why....why did I do that?)


Indra: Ah my god son is here, how've you been man?!

While being bear hugged from Indra and could feel his bones pop, thankfully Shiva told him that he looks like he's dying.

He sure felt like he was going to, after regaining his breath he answered with the usual "I'm doing good". He saw that the only seat that was opened was In between His mother and Esdeath.

Izou:The Kin SlayerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora