004: When tables turn

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I feel like I'm in a shitty Christmas Movie. You thought, remembering the movie "Christmas in Handcuffs".

You shivered at just the thought.

God.. they should've just called that movie "Stockholm for Christmas"...

You waited outside your house, on your porch swing.

You tapped the tips of your fingers together, as you waited in the darkness of the night.

What the hell are we gonna do with this thing? You thought to yourself, a droplet of sweat dripping from your chin.

It was so hot outside, even though it was still midnight.

"(Y/N)!" Their voice screamed from your driveway.

You whipped your head in that direction, only to see (F/n)'s car driving into your driveway.

They had their head sticking out of the window.

You just stood from the porch swing and waited for them as they got out of their car.

They ran up to you, after locking it. "Are you okay?!" They asked, grabbing your face and looking around.

You nodded. "I didn't get shot," You smiled in relief of that.

"I know! If you were, I wouldn't even be here because you'd be dead," They then kissed the top of your forehead.

(F/n) looked around the living room almost frantically. "Where's the asshole?" They asked.

You just looked at them for a few seconds before pointing up the stairs. "Uh.. he's in one of the guest rooms,"

You thought for a moment, thinking about just calling the cops to have them take the phone away.

They just grabbed your wrist and then proceeded to stomp their way up the stairs, you trailing from behind.

"Lemme see this dickhead!" They basically shouted.

..(F/n) has always been the type of friend to be overprotective of you, especially when it comes to your heath on the line. Mental or physical heath, it doesn't matter to them.

One time in high school, you were being bullied, and (F/n) decided it was a good idea to punch the shit out of your bully.

They were nearly arrested, but hey, the two of you were never bullied again.

They let you all the way to every guest room upstairs, looking in each of them and looking in the other, trying their best to find the right room.

When (F/n) finally found the correct room, they immediately shrieked in horror, letting go of your wrist.

And that was the moment you realized that you never told (F/n) that your past captor wasn't human.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" They screamed, throwing their back against the door. You looked at your friend and quickly told them.

"Uh... my captor..?" You tried your best to sound not like you're kind of freaking out as well.

(F/n) looked at you for a quick few seconds and asked. "Are you fucking insane? How are you not pissing yourself?"

You just shrugged.

Mephone4S slowly opened his eyes, only to see an empty room with a door, and a closet.

He looked around the empty room, and saw that he was sitting on a big, queen sized bed.

His wrists moved for a moment, only for him to quickly realized that whatever was wrapped around his wrists were made from metal.

The chains he used to tie up the creature.

"Master, what's going on?" Siri asked him.

Mephone4S jangled around in his own chains, part of him wishing he never processed the chains into reality.

"I'm not sure, Siri," He answered, soon hearing the sound of two people talking from outside of the room.

"Where did it even come from?"

"I don't know, it was just in my house,"

Mephone4S thought for a few seconds, soon remembering what had happened before he was turned off.

Though, he knew what happened, he stayed quiet and tried his best to wiggle his way out of the chains.

Unfortunately for him, his metal wrists were only being damaged the more he tried to get out.

"Ugh.." He finally stopped, not wanting to damage his wrists to the point where he needed repair.

Mephone4S decided to wait for the creatures to open the door, and try to figure a way out.

"Okay, asshole!" One of the creatures yelled at him as they slammed open the door, catching him off guard.

This was a whole new creature, it confused Mephone4S for a few seconds.

..until he then saw the same creature he tied up in the chains right behind the other.

"Where did you come from?" They asked him.

Mephone4S only smirked at the attitude the creature gave him. "I would never tell,"

"Then why did you hold (Y/n) at gunpoint?" They slammed their fists against the foot of the bed.

Mephone4S just took his feet away from their hands and quickly turned his head over to the creature that's apparently named (Y/n).

"That was an act of adrenaline," He answered has he looked back at the other creature.

His answer seemed to quickly confuse them. It made Mephone4S smirk in a snarky way.

"Why were you running on adrenaline?" They then asked, only to immediately be stopped by the creature named (Y/n).

"(F/n), what do you even plan on doing with it? Punching it?" They sassed at the other creature that's apparently named (F/n).

"It's better than just having him in your house!" (F/n) yelled at them.

Mephone4S watched as the two then continued to argue over what they were going to do with him.

It slightly tired him just watching the two argue.

You and (F/n) had argued for about.. twenty minutes, before finally making up your minds and turning to the phone.

"TELL US WHERE YOU CAME FROM OR WE'RE CALLING THE COPS!!" (F/n) screamed in the phone's face.

The phone, which you forgot what the mystery man called it, was surprised by the sudden yelling in its face.

But the phone quickly denied giving the information.

You just watched as (F/n) then basically interrogated the red screened phone, screeching like a mocking bird about where it came from.

After a few moments of screeching, the old Siri icon appeared on the phone's screen and the voice yelled at (F/n).

"Stop shouting at my master!"

The two of you jumped at the yelling of the phone's Siri. Though it still had the Siri voice, so it wasn't really yelling.

"Well then, fuck you, Alexa!" That was when you went to stop (F/n) from interrogating the phone.

It's never a good sign for a friend to be cursing out an old version of Siri.

"(F/n), just- please be quiet for a minute, this is going nowhere," You told your friend.


"SHUT UP!" (F/n) yelled at the phone with the weird accent. They were definitely still angry about the gun and stuff.

You just shook your head & quickly went ahead and pushed your friend out of the guest bedroom.

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