"I'm coming. I'm helping you." Thor took a deep breath, admitting defeat as he gestured to the palace. 

"Here." He pushed a weapon onto the ground beside Valkyrie. "Now the ship has a gun."

"I'll take it from here." She stood, stopping when Thor placed a cloth near her. "I found this in the armory." I looked around him, seeing the sacred armor the Valkyrie wore. She placed a hand on it, touching it as if it would disappear. 

"Good luck." Thor nodded, walking away from the platform. I started to walk beside him when Valkyrie called back, "Your majesty!" We both turned. "Don't die." I smiled, seeing Thor hide his. The commodore lifted up higher in the air as she shouted, "You know what I mean."

Bruce speeded off towards the bridge, leaving Thor and me on the balcony. He looked out to the ship, smiling. With a push of his shoulder, I smirked. "You two are cute." His smile dropped as he looked down at me. "Shut up." Walking away and towards the throne room, I sped walked up to him, "I'm just saying. I ship you with her more than Jane." 

Thor halted in his steps, eyeing me before he spoke, "You are around Wanda way too much."

I laughed, heading in the opposite direction. 

"Where are you doing?!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the halls. I pointed up, "I have to do something! I'll find you in a couple of minutes!" Thor looked as if he wanted to object, yet I was running and past the corner before he could. 

I had to find it. I needed to. 

Making my way up the stairs and past the palace study rooms and library, I cast an illusion. All the years Loki and I had been in these halls played out in front of my eyes. Centuries of memories and thoughts showed as I walked to my destination. 

The time we had locked ourselves in the Library, refusing to talk to Odin until we were allowed to gather more books from other realms. I smiled, listening to the echo of Loki shouting. 

At the time we were being chased by the guards, haven stolen all their clothes beside the metal armor. I looked back at the scene. Loki and I ran with bundles of cloth as two basically naked palace staff chased us, holding their shields to cover their private areas. 

Laughing, I stopped in front of a corner, watching as a teenage version of me and Loki sat on the windowsill. "I like you, Aspen." Teenage me grinned, playing with the ends of Loki's raven hair, "I like you too, Loki. More than anyone." 

However one caught my eye as the child version of Loki ran down the hall, on the brink of tears. I watched as I chased after him, shouting his name. "Loki, please! Stop!"

"What?! Do you want a chance to make fun of me?! A chance to laugh at the boy no one wants to dance with?!"

My brows creased, watching the memory. 

"No." I shook my head. "I want to dance with you." I watched myself use my, at the time, newfound powers to create beautiful cello sounds in the large hall. 

"Please," I held my hand up. "Dance with me."

All the reenactments and sounds ceased as I stood in front of his door. His bedroom. I had to plead with Odin not to get rid of his things when they locked him away. I almost lost the argument had Thor not stepped in to defend me. 

Placing a hand on the golden handle, I pushed it down, entering the room. It was the same as he had left it. Bed made, always. Bookcases and shelves filled with different authors from all realms. Knickknacks and little items were strewn about. Most of them were given to him by Frigga when she taught him magic, same as me.

 I moved throughout the room, looking at the walls. There weren't cameras on Asgard as Earth had them. However, there was once a time when Thor snuck back a polaroid camera, giving it to me as a birthday gift. The camera was long gone but a copy laid on Loki's desk.  

I picked it up, looking at the forgotten memoir. Loki sat beside me, a hand on my knee as he gazed at me. It was my nineteenth birthday, in human years at least. I wore a dark green dress with gold accents. I looked into the camera, however, Loki kept his eyes on me. Placing the picture into my pocket, I moved to his nightstand. 

And there it was, lying in a velvet green box as if it was never touched. I picked it up, opening the top as the identical obsidian ring I had worn for years was placed. Loki's ring. The one he had given me when we were just eight. I conjured a slim gold chain, slipping the ring onto the necklace and placing it around my neck. 

I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I touched his bedspread. The Viridian silk felt soft below my fingertips. An assortment of pillows was placed against the headboard. Most of which I begged him to collect. He didn't care much for comfort. Most because he thought he didn't deserve it. But I made him have them. I tried to convince him he did deserve it. He deserved to take care of himself. 

Moving from the bed, I walked to the wardrobe, opening the golden doors as his scent hit my senses. The same pine and vanilla that made me feel at home, all here.

I reached in, pulling a dark, almost black, green robe from the hook. Hugging it to my chest, I felt an empty hole form in my sternum. I would never see his smile again. Never feel his warm and enticing hugs. I would never feel the way he rubbed my arms in comfort, or how he calmed me after a nightmare. 

We would never sit by the waterfall we visited as kids and talk about escaping this realm. We would never lay in bed together, watching the stars shooting from the open window. 

I stumbled, falling onto the comfortable mattress, still cradling the garment to my face. I let the tears fall, silent sobs coming from my throat as the room was silent. 

At this moment, there was not a war going on. Hela wasn't destroying the only home I had known. And Loki was only training with Thor in the garden. My people were not fighting for their lives and Loki was not stranded on Sakaar. We were back where we started, home. 

My cries quieted as my mind relaxed. Cuddling into Loki's bed, my head was buried under the mountain of pillows. I forgot everything from the day as exhaustion took over my body and I fell to sleep. 

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