eight- only when I tell you to

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The sound of someone at the door rang through the sleek apartment. I looked at Loki as he looked at me. The grandmaster had already stopped by to invite us. What more could he want? I started to walk over just as Loki grabbed my arm.

"I'll do it." I scoffed, pushing past him. "Stop being sexist." I could hear him muttering some very colorful language as I pushed the button beside the door, opening it. 

A woman stood in extremely bright and modern clothes. She had her hair pulled up in a tight bun, a weird decoration behind it. Making her head look like the wings of a peacock. I smiled, "How can I help you?"

She pushed a lump of materials my way, causing me to take it in my hands. Different wires and black clothing it looked like. "What's this?" I questioned, still seeing how she never met my eyes.

"From the Master."

"To wear tonight?" I asked, causing her to nod. Then, internally groaning, I looked over the outfit. it was basically underwear with neon lights. "And if I don't wear it."

Her eyes went wide. basically popping out of her skull as she started to breathe heavier. "Okay, never mind! Calm down. I'll wear it." I assured her, seeing her body instantly relax. 

I closed the door without another word, throwing the 'dress,' if you could even call it that, down on a table. 

"You're not wearing that." Loki walked in, already changed into a matte black suit for the party. I know I'm supposed to be mad at him. I'm supposed to hate his guts and never speak to him again. But how am I supposed to hate him when he looks like that?

"Excuse me?" I scoffed, tearing my eyes away from where the suit fit just right on his chest. "I can wear it if I want to." I grabbed the garment, holding it up to assess the entire thing. Yep, basically underwear and neon wires. 

"Well, alright, love. You wear it the whole night, and I'll give you something." Loki walked towards me, closing me in against the wall. 

"And what could you possibly give me that would be valuable?"

Loki laughed, evilly smirking, "Wear the dress."


Walking in, I could hear the loud music thumping in my ears. I wore the "dress," sporting a black lace pantie and bra underneath. "You look ravishing," Loki whispered in my ear, coming up behind me. I laughed, pushing him off, "I know."

He smirked, walking around me to greet the Grandmaster. He was sitting on a chair, which was on a platform. Like he was the king. Which, in a sense, he was. But all I could focus on was the way Loki moved in the suit. His muscles flexed as he picked up a glass of wine. Or the way he licked his lips, eyeing me up and down like no other woman existed. 

I rolled my eyes, walking past him to also greet the grandmaster. 

"Ahhh! My beautiful creature!" He picked up my hand, placing a soft kiss on it. I internally grimaced but held it in since I was in this man's favor. "And you wore the dress I picked out!!"

"Yeah, if you can even call it that," I thought, nodding my head. He took one last look over my outfit, focusing on my breasts that basically left no room for imagination with the built-in bra, before smacking my ass and sending me off and to Loki's direction. 

I felt sick. The grandmaster seemed nice at first but was this the only reason he brought us in? Because he thought I would fuck him and be an easy target? Not on my account. I saw the deadly look in Loki's eyes as I walked over to him. 

Since we were kids, we always would flirt, sometimes crossing the line from friendship into more. Like the night of my 16th birthday, the year before Loki first faked his death. He kissed me on the balcony of his room in the palace. The windowsill was usually covered in books and trinkets he had made with Frigga. But this time, it was cleared off so that we could watch the stars and eat candy one of the maids had learned to make since candy wasn't a thing in Asgard. 

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