seventeen- home

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The cabin rocked, making my eyes fly open. Bruce was kneeling beside me, screaming as a red tunnel surrounded the ship. "Thor if we die I'm going to kill you!!" He looked back, "Oh you're awake!!" I groaned, holding on tighter as the ship was rocked back and forth. Pieces of junk flew past us, Thor attempting to dodge it. 

"Where the hell is Loki?!" I shouted, attempting to keep the commodore steady as my powers enveloped the vessel. "We left him," Valkyrie said, gripping the edges of her seat. I felt my heart drop. I knew I was mad at him, for leaving me once again. But I always went back for him. Always. 

And now I would never see him again.

"We have to go back!!" 

"A little late for that!" Thor screamed, holding his head against the padded headrest. "Please, Thor. I can't leave him!!" I pleaded, holding onto Bruce as he freaked out beside me. Thor shook his head, "I don't want to leave my brother either, Aspen! But we don't have a choice." 

I felt a tear slip from my eyes as the cabin rocked once more, violently. "Hang on!! We're almost out!!" Valkyrie boomed, making me close my eyes as I attempted to stay conscious. "Here we go!!"

Thor dodged another piece of garbage, flipping the ship upside down. We could see the end of the tunnel, a purple light illuminating the boundary. 

I grasped on tighter to the seat in front of me, feeling the engine power on full speed. Pain shot through my skull as light flooded my vision, and I fell limp in my seat. 


The power turned back on, alerting us all as we woke back up. Bruce looked out the window, tapping my shoulder. The bottom of Asgard came into sight. A blue mixed with gold shimmer sparkled. 

"if I pass out one more time..." I trailed off, holding my head. Valkyrie steered the ship up and over the Bifrost, speeding down the rainbow bridge. 

"I never thought I'd be back here." She spoke, looking around. 

Memories flooded my mind. Loki and me as children, playing on the bridge and knocking each other off, into the water. Running through the town as guards chased us. We didn't want to join useless royal events. So galavanting off into the forest and pastures saved us. 

We would race on horses, both Loki and I stopping at a certain waterfall to hide out. 

All of that. Every single one of our memories was here. And now that's all they would ever be. Memories. For we would never make another one. 

Bruce unbuckled his harness, standing up to look at the scene. "I thought it'd be a lot nicer." 

I hit his shoulder, giving him a look. He shook his head, stammering, "I mean, not- not that's it not nice its just...on fire."

A beeping interrupted him, "Here in the mountains." Valkyrie pointed to the screen. "Heat signatures. People clustered together." A green dot appeared, "She's coming for them."

"Okay, drop me off at the palace and I'll draw her away." 

"And get yourself killed?" Valkyrie looked to Thor. 

"The people trapped down there are all that matters. While I'm dealing with Hela. I need you three to help get everyone off Asgard."

"How the hell are we supposed to do that?" Bruce questioned, looking confused. 

"I stood up, flipping Loki's dagger between my fingers. "We have a man on the ground."


I jumped off the ship, making Thor look at me, "You're going with them." I shook my head, "No. I'm helping you." Before he could object, I held up my hand. "I don't care if you want to try and protect me because of some stupid agreement you have with Loki in your head." He quirked an eyebrow. 

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