one- I yield!

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"Now I know what your thinking...Oh no! Thor's in a cage. How did this happen?! Well, sometimes you have to get captured just to get a straight answer out of somebody." Thor paused as Aspen rolled her eyes. "It's a long story, but basically, I'm a bit of a hero." He continued, "See, I spent some time on earth, fought some robots, saved the planet a couple of times." 

"I was there too, you big idiot," Aspen smirked as Thor ignored her. "Then I went searching through the cosmos for some magic colorful infinity stone things. Didn't find any." Aspen rolled her eyes once again as she adjusted her body from the tight chains that had been digging into her skin for days. "That's when I came across a path of death and destruction..." 

"So dramatic," Aspen mumbled, tired of listening to Thor's inner monologue. "Which led us all the way here into this cage." He looked up to the skeleton sitting by the brunette, "Where I met you." He smiled, looking around again. The jaw of the skeleton fell off as she kicked it away in disgust. "How much longer do you think we'll be here?" Thor asked. 

"Stop talking to the dead body, Thor." Aspen closed her eyes, leaning her head against the hard metal bars. Suddenly, the bottom of the cage dropped, causing Aspen to yelp in pain when the chain tightened around her arms, coming to a stop right before they hit the ground. The skeleton shattered into pieces as they swung around slowly. Surter chuckled, Thor, son of Odin. Aspen, daughter of Njord," He boomed through the cavern. "Surtur," Thor realized. "Son of a bitch, you're still alive." He laughed. Aspen stayed silent, looking around the underground cave for a possible escape route. 

"I cannot die. Not until I fulfill my destiny and law waste to your home." 

"You know, funny you should mention that." Thor interrupted. "Because I've been having these terrible dreams of late." 

"Asgard up in flames...Falling to ruins. And you, Surtur, are at the center of all of them."

"Oh yeah, talk to the big scary fire monster about your nightmares. A good way to go." Aspen mumbled, listening to the two. "Then you have seen Ragnarok, the fall of Asgard. The great prochecy-"

"hang on." Thor swung out, facing the opposite way as the chains spun his body, "Hang on. I'll be back around shortly." Aspen chuckled slowly at the giant's annoyed face. "I really feel like we were connecting there." He grunted, kicking his legs as the chains creaked. Then, he slowly moved back around, facing Surtur, "Okay, so, Ragnarok. Tell me about that...walk me through it."

"My time has come when my crown is reunited with the eternal flame. I shall be restored to my full might. I will tower over the mountains! And bury my sword deep in Asgards-"

"Oh, hang on. Give it a second." Aspen chuckled at Thor's stalling efforts as she wiggled as little as she could, using her powers to conjure a dagger behind her back. "I swear I'm not even moving. It's just doing this on its own." Aspen started to cut through the chains as her dagger moved back and forth. "I'm really sorry." Thor apologized as Surtur sighed. He eventually came back around, "okay, so let me get this straight." Aspen tuned them out, feeling the chains starting to loosen on her arms. 

"Odin is not on Asgard." Aspen snapped her attention to Surtur, hearing what he had said. She eyed Thor, giving him a confused look as she started to speak to him through his mind. 'Use meow-meow to break us out. The best escape is up.' 

Thor reluctantly scolded her for what she calls his hammer as he listened to Surtur. "Okay, so where is it? This crown?" 

"This is my crown." Surtur pointed to the horns on his head, "The source of my power!"

"Oh, that's a crown. I thought it was a big eyebrow."

"Really?" Aspen tilted her head up, "I thought he was Loki's twin with horns." Thor chuckled at her comment. 

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