temporary relive

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While we continued to stare at Phil still confused, Tommy's mother spoke again.

"Darling? Listen to them for now. Come home." She sighed in absolute disappointment.

"Yes mother," she quickly obeyed.

"If you told me they were dating I would actually believe you." I whispered into Ranboo's ear which made both of us hold our mouths to keep from getting into any sorts of trouble.

"God this is all your fault!" Esther stormed off to pack her things up.

"God this is all your fault you make me hold my mouth while his mother was still on the phone!" Ranboo started laughing which made him fall onto the carpet.

The gang was in absolute confusion.

"Okay I told him that I would believe if anyone told me that she and Tommy's mother were dating." I explained holding my laughter in as hard as I could.

The gang burst into laughter along with Tommy.

"I can't fight that you know, she always acted like she and my mother were best of friends but now you say this I can't unsee it," Tommy laughed.

We chatted for abit before turning to bed.

Me and Tommy still slept at the roof top since he still didn't feel as safe. As we laid down staring at the dark blue night sky, he spoke in a sweet yet soft tone. I loved his sleepy voice.

"You know, Esther she is well pampered by my mom because my mother promised to do so to her mother," he sighed,"I know its confusing but in simpler terms my mother isn't doing this out of willingness."

I chuckled. He blamed it on himself again didn't he? He must be thinking that I blamed his mother.

"Sometimes we humans don't get to do things of our own choice darling," I turned to him,"we humans have our reasons for doing anything out of the blue and its not always our fault."

I sighed, "some things were always bound to happen."

He turns to me and whispered a little thank you before tucking my hair behind my ear.

I gave a gentle smile before deciding to tease him a little,"Don't cross this line." I drew a line between him and I.

He sighed and turned away in disappointment. I smiled. I may be teasing him however I wasn't really joking. Touch was difficult for me to understand. After fighting with Wil, he would always end it with a hug. At first I hated it. I didn't like it. However I got used to it. But if I told you honestly, I still haven't really gotten used to it.

"Wil told me u hated being held or touched." Tommy turned back around to face me.

"Ah..." I sighed,"God I really need to tape his mouth up."

Tommy chuckled. His laugh sounded just like a kid. A kid who had zero troubles in the world. A kid who would cry over the simplest things. He sounded so innocent.

We chatted until we fell asleep. The line was still there. He respected it. Though basic but not many people understood boundaries.

In the morning, I woke up earlier than usual. Mainly because I didn't feel safe. I would sleep late till the afternoon however, whenever I am sleeping away from home, I wouldn't feel safe. Unless I'm next to Wil of course. I couldn't help but to keep thinking about Phil.

Did he really see me as his daughter? I always knew he had a fatherly side of him. It always seem to appear whenever Tommy or Wil was with him. But me? It was quite shocking. I couldn't believe it. I shoved this thought aside and turned over to check on Tommy.

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