the change

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Y/n pov
Wil came down after being called by Ranboo. I did wonder why Ranboo did not come with Wil but I guess he was just talking to Tommy.

"Hey what happened?" Wil asked.

"Engine isn't working," Quackity sounded frustrated, " Ahh! Fuck it!"

Wilbur was shocked and frustrated as well. How could the video go on? They really wanted to go to Eden and so did I.
Quackity sat down on the floor defeated.

"Calm down, I will call Ranboo. Though stupid he is pretty useful." Wil sighed.

"Huh." I remarked to frustrate him.

Wil rolled his eyes and left to find Ranboo.

"Sup, is the live on?" Ranboo asked.

Wil nodded while running down the stairs after Ranboo.

"Quackity take a break we will take over from here." Ranboo jumped out of the van with Wil.

I trailed along I liked to watch people do things I never did to learn. Can't keep depending on them right?

"Hold this," Ranboo threw a wrench at me.

I caught it in mid-air without any issues. I got used to him throwing things at me. After all I have a brother, what did you expect?

"For fuck's sake can we js call Jimmy to see what we can do?" Wilbur shouted at Tommy.

"I will call..." He sighed picking his phone up.

His face suddenly flashed pale for a second before he brushed it off and called Jimmy.

User9279: Uh oh
User0278: wtf happened
User9278: Noooo Eden tho
User9278: UH OH HAAHAH

"Oh will you shut it chat?" Phil laughed.

"Chat stop it we screwed we knowww," Kristen chucked.

"Mhm...yea yea sure. Uh huh fine sure sure. Ok yea ok bye bye thanks man." Tommy ended the call.

"Settled he called Chandler to pass us a new engine or something now we just wait." Tommy screamed before running to the rooftops.

"Aight thanks mate!" Wilbur screamed back only to see that he had disappeared.

"What's up with him?" Ranboo asked.

"Don't know. He was on his phone and his face was pale instantly. I will check up on him. Take a break," I smiled before running up, "Stupid short legs." I complained making chat and the gang laugh a little.

A little humour was what we needed though on camera we seemed happy, we were tired. Exhausted. I ran up the steps as the gang did a just chatting stream for abit.

"Tommy? You alright?" I asked as I did a little jog to him.

He sighed. Putting his phone next to me as I sat down. I picked it up and read it carefully. I was a text message.

Mother: Tommy, Esther is begging yo meet you.
Mother: Tommy?
Mother: Look you know Tommy really likes you so please stay by her side
Mother: I promised her mother to let you two have a date just for a day.
Tommy: I'm busy mother
Mother: I know it will be a good break.
Tommy: Mother
Mother: Its not as if you have someone
Tommy: I do.
Mother: Just this one day can you?
Mother: Tommy please.
Mother: Son?
Mother: Son?

I stared in suprise. "You have someone? Then just uhm..." I trailed off I had no way to help him fight back besides, I was too busy who the someone was. Maybe it was a lie?

"Too late. Scroll darling." He sighed before laying on his back his hands covering his face.

I scrolled down to see more messages.

Mother: Son?
Mother: Its alright. Since Esther is a streamer and has connections to you, she asked Mr beast to help add her to your group.
Mother: I have clarified with him too she will join you tomorrow .

I stared in awe.

"I have so many questions." I laughed with fear overtaking my voice.

"Ask away," he sighed, " I will answer and hopefully you can help me."

I was taken aback. Did he just open up to me?

"Oh-" I stuttered,  " Okay uh... for a starter, maybe you can tell me how long she will be here for?"

"The whole journey." He turned to me one arm supporting his head as he laid on on side.

"Oh god," my eyes widened, "her intentions?"

"To get me." He whined , "win me over." He used his hand and did the quotation sign.

"God...ok how about the 'you having someone' lie?" You chuckled, "do you even have someone there to act with you to keep her away?"

"Yea." Tommy monotonous voice said it all.

"God you really don't have anyone huh," I teased, "bad choice of lie."

"I said I do have someone." His monotonous voice now did nothing but confused me.

"What?" I asked at first, confused," who ? Niki isn't possibly with you and besides there is no other girl here."

"You are." He replied this time while trying hard not to smile.

I gave him the 'I'm done here goodbye' look as I stared at him annoyed.

"I see what you did there," I replied shaking my head, " what a dick, honestly."

I got up to leave however Tommy spoke again.

"I take that as a yes!" He shouted.

"Fine. But I'm telling the gang." I said as I turned around to see what mischief he may be at. However all he did was smile and nod like a child.

I ran downstairs to see the gang staring at me confused. I was wondering what happened when Wilbur gave me his phone to show me a message from Mr Beast that someone new was joining.

"Yes about that..." I trailed off.

Within a few minutes everyone was not excited or happy at all. They wanted to inform Jimmy that they didn't want to but it was part of the challenge.

"For now me and Tommy will act closer than usual to keep her at bay." I told them the plan.

Wilbur immediately had a smirk on his face.

"And before you say anything Wil, my answer is a absolute no." I smiled at him before leaving and shaking my head in disappointment.

I took a sit at the table with my drink as I watched the gang continue the stream. Usually I felt bad for resting, it felt like I was giving them all the work but now, I feel better. Its like I have grown into them. I understand when I am tired and when I want to rest. I understood when they were tired too.

As I saw Alex started to lean back more as he slowly resorted to silence, I knew he was tired. I immediately signalled to him for a switch and he understood and accepted it. It was as if shame wasn't valid. We thought each other as family now. We felt so comfortable around each other.

It was like home.


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