☆Chapter 16☆

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A few months later

"Fuck off" I screamed at Mineta as he tried to follow me into my dorm
"Someone's in a mood" He murmered.
"Maybe I wouldn't be if I wasn't stuck around perverts like you!" I shouted back and slammed the door in his face.
I put my ceiling fan on threw myself on my bed and sighed. It's so hot and everyone is irritating me. I don't want to be stuck in school I want to be back with everyone else having fun and going out not stuck here revising. You know what, fuck it. I'm going out. I walked over to where Bakugo and Mina were sat having a conversation about the big plan to take over UA one day. It better be soon.
"We are going out get changed and meet me here in 10" I instructed them
"Where to?" They looked confused
"To the LOV base i miss them all" I told them and they decided not to argue with me. We went off and got ready
I decided to wear white shorts, a red crop top and some cute sandles I found. I put my hair back in two French plaits with two strands of hair out at the front. Now, what jewelry shall we were. We shall go with the silver and pink rose ring I have and some matching silver earrings and necklace it looked really cute! I picked up a handbag and walked about of my room. I got a couple of dirty looks off Uruaka and her friend group. I don't know why but they have been really bitchy to me lately and It is starting to get to me a little bit - God knows why they're just a load of wannabe heroes. I met Bakugo and Mina and we walked over to the car park. Bakugo got in his car and Mina went with him while I went on my motorbike. I love riding my motorbike on my own when I'm stressed, it gives me time to calm down and think to myself and not focus on the others needs. It helps alot, I should do it more. I over took Bakugo and Mina and zoomed off so they couldn't keep up - it's so fun! Before long I got home and the other two arrived about 5 minutes after me. We walked in and Twice points a gun at my head.
"Name" He questions
"Are you being stupid? It's Y/N" I giggled a little bit
"And how would I know its the real you" He looked at me suspiciously.
I sighed knowing he wasn't going to let this go, he must have either alot of people breaking in here at the moment or people pretending to be eachother. I decided to explain to him to prove it was me - bit stupid to be honest.
"I had a fight with my dad then walked off then had a fight with Touya in a strange alleyway he brought me here I got forced to go to UA while you all got to go on fun missions and then I had a meeting with AFO and he gave me another quirk so now I have three different ones. And I'm currently still at UA waiting on a signal to attack. Happy now?"
He smiled and hugged me
"It really is you!!"
I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. I walked over to the bar and poured myself a shot of vodka. I had it and then before I know it Kurogiri is infront of me.
"You shouldn't be drinking your too young" He mocked
"Ha as if you've known me this long and you still believe that just cause your older than me" I shook my head at him in disappointment and we laughed.
"Where Is everyone?" I asked
"They're in the other room" Kurogiri answered
"Thankyou" I waved bye and walked into the other room.
"Hey guys" Toga turned and saw me and bolted at me. She knocked us other and we started laughing. Dabi and Shigaraki came over and helped pick us up and we thanked them. We spent a few minutes catching up and then I asked them an important question.
"Does anyone know how long we are going to be planning this attack on UA because I'm getting fed up of being there all the time and not going out with anyone doing stupid shit"
"None of us know maybe go see AFO he likes you alot anyways im sure he will have a plan." Dabi assured me abd i nodded.
"That isn't a bad plan i think i will do that, you two coming?" I asked Mina and Bakugo and they agreed to so we dove off - again.

Around 20 minuites later we arrived at AFO's base/hideout type thing and knocked on the door. A villain who works for him opened the door and asked us who we were
"Y/N Todoroki, these two are with me we are part of Shigaraki's group." the person nodded and let us enter. I walked up to AFO's office and knocked
"Enter" he grunted
"Oh it's you again, how is the quirk I gave you?" He asked me
"It's amaazing thankyu, it has become very useful especially with getting information from the teachers office" I explained
"I am glad to hear it, what are you here for anyways" He questioned.
"Ah yes well we are all wondering whether you have any updates or plans on this attack on UA." I replied
"Oh yes well I think we may start the attack in abou a month time if that is suitable for you..."
"Yes sir, that was all thanks alot I hope to see you again soon" I exclaimed and we walked away.

We got home and told the others and they all agreed that it was a good decision so we agreed that we would attack then. We spent the next month preparing for the attack. We made sure we had everything planned well. Once everything was sorted Bakugo, Mina and I got ourselves stationed ready for signal for the attack.

We were at UA in our class when we got the message to say it was begining. Next second the Security alarm went off. Everyone started to panic. We pretended to panic too. I was hugging Bakugo - looking scared - we are great actors. Aizawa went outside to see what was going on - there was thousands of villains there and infront of them all - All For One. This was our signal to step out the classroom. Everyone was shouting at us to go back in.

"What's going on?" I asked sounding confused. Stood behind all the pro heroes

"Well, look who it is. Mr One For All - All Might. Nice to see you again..." AFO mocked at him.

"What is you buisness showing up here" All might questioned

"Well we wanted to reveal our UA traitors and start our attack."

"What are you on about there is no traitors here"

"You are foolish All Might. Traitors reveal yourself now." AFO announced and I signaled everyone to step forward. The pro's looked at us in disbelief they couldn't believe this. I smiled this was going to be fun. There was so many traitors stood behind me as I stood next to AFO. There was Bakugo, Mina, Deku, Shinsou, Denki, Hagakure, Tetsutetsu and about 13 others.

"Why are you doing this" All Might asked me

"Because All Might im fed up of being treated like a worthless pile of shit by you and all these other wannabe heroes. All I have ever been told is to fake it - that I will never make it or make anything of myself. I'm fucking done now. You can all make time to save others but no one ever cared for me like these all do. I was fucking abused by my dad but you guys all thought he was amazing. All I ever got off anyone since I joined this shit hole was that I needed to train more - I have great quirks but need to be less destructive - that I'm so powerful and don't waste my talents for bad. But it's not me this is who I am i decided that years ago when you all gave up on me. Especially you." I pointed at Endeavour and smiled while giving him a dirty look. I think that creeped him out slightly and he realised he had fucked up big time. AFO gave the signal and everyone started to attack. AFO and I stood teleported to higher ground and watched everything go down while laughing. In a way I kinda see him as a father figure. We waited for the major chaos to pass and when we needed to step in. After about 20 minuites we had lost a few villains but not anywhere near as many Pros and UA students died and injured. We went down for the last couple of Pro's and joined in the fighting. I managed to imjure quite a few and kill about 3 i lost count in the end. Suddenly police turned up, we sent some of the other villains to tackle them. I smiled and started to laugh at all this chaos - we were getting what we wanted - power. I loved it. After about 45 minuites we had won. We had even more power there were barely any more Pro's too protect Japan. We were getting power, we were going to gain more control with more villains in the population. It will be brilliant this is amazing. Especially as AFO will retire soon and I can take his place. This will be brilliant.

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