☆Chapter 9☆

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I got on my motorbike and drove to the address that I had been sent to go to.

Once I got there I parked my bike up and rang the buzzer and entered when it opened up. It was quite nice inside.

"Sit down" The man said and pointed at a seat where I sat down opposite him
"Let me introduce myself Y/N Todoroki my name is All For One. You may be wondering why I have called you here, well I believe you are currently at UA school as a UA traitor along with Katsuki Bakugo. We are planning on having an attack on UA in a few weeks time but we need to let you and Katsuki know about it and not to reveal yourself as we are still needing you to supply us with any information you can get. I also called for you specifically because I am understanding that you have two quirks. Am I correct?" He asked me I was a bit in shock that I was speaking to AFO but I pulled myself together and responded
"Yes sir I was born with two quirks, teleportation and flames which are extremely hot. I can control both very well as I've grown up i got used to them both and have trained alot i can also use both at once now." He nodded
"Yes seems about right... I was going to ask you if you were wanting another quirk it may help you and as you already have two you'll have the understanding how to control multiple quirks at once."
"I- that would be amazing sir but what quirk would I get?"
"Well I was thinking something that may help you more with defence you already have fire and teleportation that can help you at attack but something maybe more for defence or spying kind of.. like invisibility maybe... or a transformation quirk like togas?"
If I wasn't shocked before I definitely was now, i would have 3 quirks!? That would be amazing but how would I choose which one. Transformation would be useful for alot of things but so would invisibility. I think maybe invisibility as we already have a transformation quirk in the LOV. Yeah that seems like a good idea
"I'll go with a invisibility quirk if that's okay with you" I told him
"Of course it is child it's a slightly weird process but you'll get used to it" He explained and started to transfer me the quirk. I didn't expect him to already have one but I suppose he's most likely killed alot of people or stolen many peoples quirks. When he had done I felt a tiny bit different and I could tell I had another quirk I went invisible to try it out.
"Ah nice to see it worked well then, anyways I'd best let you off I suppose you have plans for tonight"
"Yes sir thankyou I hope to see you again some day. Nice meeting you good-bye" I replied and walked out got on my motorbike and drove to go meet everyone to get new stuff for our dorms.

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