☆Chapter 13☆

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*Alarm goes off and bakugo hits it*

I sat up and yawned and looked at the time. 6am. Great we have school. I turned to Bakugo and saw him about to drift off back to sleep so I kissed him and dragged him out of bed.

I went to my wardrobe and found some school uniform to wear and went to the bathroom and started to run some water. I hopped into the shower and washed my hair than when I got out a chucked it up in a towel out of the way. Got changed then I brushed my teeth and did my makeup ((if you wear makeup)) then dried my hair and brushed it. I walked out the bathroom, Bakugo was almost ready so I went wand waited in the living room with the others.

"You doing much today?" I asked Kurogiri
"Only Shigaraki, he is going out today spying to find out some information on certain pro heroes. All For One told him to do so, speaking of which he's still not up can you go get him up for me please he needs to be out the house within an hour." He requested
"Of course!" I responded as I walked over to Shigaraki's room. I knocked on the door and I heard a slightly muffled,
"Come in"
I entered the room and saw Shiagarki getting ready and dabi asleep in his bed. My jaw dropped. Shigaraki put a finger to his mouth
"Don't wake him or ill decay you slowly, and tell Kurogiri ill be out in a minute" He whispered and I nodded and got out quickly before I woke up my brother.

"You okay Y/N?" Bakugo asked me seeing that I looked shocked
"Dabi. Shigaraki. Together. His bed. Traumatised" I muttered quickly
Bakugo laughed at me shook his head and picked me up
"C'mon let's get to school princess I have our stuff all here ready so we just need kurogiri to make a portal in a back alley." He smiled down at me and I nodded so we walked and got Kurogiri to teleport us to UA.

When we arrived in an alleyway we got our bits sorted out between us and carried them over to the dorms. Some stuff we had was already there so we didn't have too much to carry we just need to decorate the rooms now which Bakugo promised to help me with. Mina saw us and sprinted at me and hugged me making me fall over, the whole of Bakusquad stood there laughing as I didn't look the happiest to be pushed to the floor. Especially as im not a huge fan of hugging people except people I am close with like the LOV for example. But I put up with it and got up off the floor. After about 15 minutes everyone had got there and Aizawa came in to speak to us all.
"Right you should all have school today but I will give you a break to decorate your dorms. However, once you are done I suggest you study, go on a run or go to the field and get some training done as I have booked the field between 3-5pm for anyone who may want to use it today. That is all I will see you all tomorrow as lessons will continue as normal. Goodbye." He explained and walked away.

We all went to our rooms and decided to start getting our dorms ready. Bakugo did his while I was doing mine as I did not need any help for a while. I painted the walls a light grey and once it had dried (I used my fire to warm the room up so it would dry quicker) I put up some led lights on the ceiling and put a white carpet down then got Bakugo to come help puy my bed up. Then we put up a wardrobe, some bedside tables, a desk for my computer and a storage unit with some boxes in it. Then he left back to his room as I could do the rest. I put up 2 wavy mirrors, I built my computer, put in decorations like candles, vines, fairy lights, fake plants. I made my bed and put some photos on the wall behind my bed put some lights on my bedside tables and put some nice curtains in the window. I looked over it and was quite proud of it, it was pretty.

I looked at the time and saw it was only 2pm so I quickly put some shorts on and a top and went out and saw some people outside. It was Bakugo, Momo, Jirou, Mineta, Denki and Todoroki. Mineta looked me up and down and passed out. The others looked at me and asked where I was going.
"Oh I'm just going to go on a run anyone wanna come?" I said As I put a Bluetooth earphone in one ear and left the other and put some music on my phone.
"Sure!" Momo said, Jirou agreed and so did Denki and Bakugo. Mineta was still passed out and Shoto declined the offer.
"Thanks for the offer Y/N but I will train with some of the others I will see you later." And he walked away.
"Okay so just us five then. They all nodded and went to their rooms and got ready. I met them outside and we all went on a run.

It was fun I won't lie but I did miss the others in LOV but I enjoyed this aswell. Denki wouldn't stop flirting with Jirou, Momo couldn't stop laughing, Bakugo was threatening Denki to stay away from me or he would blast him into space and I was just there enjoying myself.

By the time we got back it was about 4:30pm and the sun was about to set. We all sat outside on on the grass and out a blanket down and watched the sun go down. We had snacks aswell and the guys were making us laugh, we were playing games, Mineta tried to kiss momo and failed miserably, Denki tried to kiss Jirou and was surprisingly successful and of course Bakugo kissed me and everyone started teasing him for being soft. It was amusing by the time we went in if was about 6 and we went in got into pyjamas and put a film on. Not everyone watched with us some people stayed in their dorms but it was enjoyable nethertheless. When we finished the film I said goodnight to everyone and went into my dorm.

I turned my computer on and face timer Toga so I could talk to everyone
"Y/N we miss you!!" Toga shouted down the mic
"Calm down I've not even been gone 24 hours" I giggled
"Not the point I'm lonely!!" She complained making me laugh.
"Anyways" I said As I rolled my eyes, "Is Shigaraki back yet?"
"Yeah crusty got in about 40 minutes ago" She laughed as Shigaraki heard this nickname and started shouting at her.
"Yep still sounds the same" I admitted which made Toga laugh even more, suddenly I heard a knock on my door
"Who is it?" I questioned
"It's only me Y/N! Can I come in?" Mina asked
"Um yes I'll come open the door two seconds" I responded "Sorry Toga I gotta go ill call you tomorrow and tell you all about it okay! Goodbye" We said goodbye and ended the call. I went to the door and opened it and sat on my bed.
"Who were you talking to?" Mina asked me
"Oh just some friends that I live with that missed me and wanted to call me" I told her
"Oh cool! That reminds me, who do you live with? I know the Todoroki's are your family and all but I remeber Shoto saying that you ran away." She questioned
I sighed "Basically and you can not talk anyone this not even Shoto" She pinky promised "A while back mine and Shoto's brother Touya died. Everyone still believes that he is dead. However I found him when I ran away and he offered me to to stay with him and his friends and I accepted and I moved in with them about 11 months ago. At first I was unsure on if I would fit in with them but they've been like family to me even more than my actual family have ever been."
She looked at me with a sad expression on her face
"That's so sad I'm so sorry Y/N I shouldn't have asked but I'm glad that your happy now!" She exclaimed
"Yes I'm happy now I love them all alot and im sure bakugo does aswell" I agreed. She looked at me confused
"Ah I forgot to mention Bakugo moved in with us about 3-4 months ago" I said and she nodded in understanding. We were talking for a little while longer when we both agreed we need sleep as there is school tomorrow so we said goodnight to eachother and she left my room and I got under my covers and fell asleep.

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