☆Chapter 15☆

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The end of day school bell rang. I ran out of the room before the teacher even got a chance to say
"Class dismissed". I bolted to my dorm room and speedily got changed into some plain black leggings and a baggy black hoodie. I chucked the hood up and phoned Toga.
"Hey I can't wait for tonight, you all ready?" I questioned her and she grinned
"Of course we are. We wouldn't want a chance of being late to going out with you now would we!?" I laughed at this. I was so excited i couldn't wait to see them all.
"I'll be setting off in 5 i'll see you shortly bye-bye" I said and hung up the phone. I opened my bedroom door slowly and checked no one was around. It was clear. i started to walk around the corner when Bakugo grabbed my wrist. "Where do you think your going" He Interrogated.
"To meet with the others we are going on a little fun night out, sorry your not invited for tonight but i really got to go bye I love you" I blurted out, kissed him on the cheek and ran off out of the school dorms. I got out the gates without being spotted, perfect! Time to meet the others. I couldn't be bothered walking there so I used my quirk to teleport instead. I saw the Toga and Twice talking and I ran over to them and hugged the both of them. I wouldn't let go until i saw Dabi and i jumped at him which cought him slightly by suprise but he caught me and hugged me. After 5 minutes of hugging everyone I calmed down a little bit. "Sorry I just haven't seen you all in so long and i missed you all so much." I smiled. We caught up for a little bit and then decided to discuss what the plan was for tonight.
"So what is going to be happening is Y/N and Dabi will go out and burn some places down in town as a distraction, Toga will transform into a police officer to look like there is help coming and that the people will be safe as not too cause too much distress and then the pro heroes wont be alerted as quickly. Then Spinner and I will go into the bank and get aload of money and bits while Twice keeps everyone like security distracted by using his quirk and Kurogiri make sure your ready with warp gate when we need you, everyone understand" Shigaraki asked after explaining the plan. We all nodded in agreement.
"Good right let's go then" We all got up and set off to our stations. Dabi and I were up first we smiled and nodded at each other to signal start. We let the fire out, running around the town burning houses, shops, cars the streets were all alight. About 10 minutes of us burning places down Toga came out from a dark alley way. She started pretending to fight us off which calmed the public down about people were just trying to escape, it was very realistic she was doing well people were genuinely fleeing without causing any larm to any Pro Heroes it was brilliant everything was going well so far. Spinner and Kurogiri had gor into the bank we heard the alarms so we moved over closer towards the bank to help them out if anyone showed up. I checked the time - they should be out in 5 minutes I told Dabi and he nodded. It was all going so well until Mina and Kirishima happened to walk past. Dammit I don't have a mask hopefully they won't notice... Nevermind, they noticed - I am screwed.
"Y/N?? Why are you with them you do realise what is going on right, have you been brainwashed or something?" Mina shouted over at us. I gave Toga a look to say grab them and push them into the portal that Kurogiri has made as the others will be out any minute now. She nodded at me and grabbed them and as soon as she layed hands on them Kurogiri's portal appeared - great timing - and the others ran around the corner with a massive bag off money - even better timing - we all jumped into the portal bring Mina and Kirishima with us and started laughing.

We got back home and Shigaraki and Dabi grabbed Mina and Kirishima for me and tied them onto a chair each. "So...Why weren't you in school like veryone else?" I questioned Mina as I Kirishima had passed out.
"Well, we had a free period and decided to go get a drink from in town and then we saw you. Why are you with all these aren't you training to be a Pro Hero at UA?"
"Correct however, that is only a disguise. When I was younger i used to dream of being a hero but when you see the behind the scenes of each of these heroes you soon change your mind especially when one is your dad." "What do you mean?" I sighed
"Well, as you may know my dad is Endeavour. Well since i was about 4 he decided to abuse me none of the others really noticed until it got worse. It started with just hitting me, then he burned me many times, threw things at me and other things. We were also constantly arguing and i was running out of lies to tell my siblings - bareing in mind that i was so young at the time but i would never tell them that he did it as I was so scare but after about a year Touya realised and he faked his death and ran away from it all. Then when i was about 8 everyone else noticed and although they couldn't do anything to stop him - no one could - they would help me heal and take care of my injuries. It was until some months ago that I decided enough was enough and grabbed my stuff and left. I was walking through an alleyway when i encountered a villain - you will all know him by Dabi. Anyways, he started attacking me and then i fired back - after a bit i noticed he was similar to Touya - however, i hadn't seen him in about 10ish years. Then he realised who I was and he took me back here and then i got to know everyone and they became like family to me. More than my actual family had ever been to me..."
"I'm so sorry I didn't know but that dosen't explain why you joined UA and why you joined after meeting villains not when your brother joined with us all."
"Good point, I joined to be a UA traitor for someone. And I never joined beforehand as I had no reason to I didn't want to be a pro anymore because of dad so i just didn't go I got a job instead at a cafe. Anyways enough about that I will give you a choice, he is still knocked out so he won't remeber anything. You can join the LOV with me and be a traitor aswell and we will tell Kirishima that he imagined everything and we were all out getting ice cream when he passed out or I will have to deal with the both of you which is something I really don't want to have to do." She thought abut this and decided that she would join being a pro is kinda boring and she would rather be a villain with me so that was settled. We picked Kirishima up and walked him back to the UA dorms where he woke up half way there and we explained everything to him - he was so gulliable but it was very useful and made it so much easier. Mina and I smiled at eachother and went inside, we put him down and then went back to our dorms. I lied down laughed and put a film on.

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