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(This was my first ever speech and the speech event was original oratory it's super bad. There's also not a fancy title for whatever reason)

I am severely overwhelmed by everything. My heartbeat sounds like a Hammer pounding on a wall constantly. It comes to the point that even small tasks make me feel like breaking down and crying. Every single time I breathe my heart drops. Everything it's just too much for me now. This is the feeling of anxiety. Anxiety is your body's natural response to stress. It's a feeling of fear or apprehension about what's to come but if you're feelings of anxiety are extreme last for longer than six months and or are interfering with your life you may have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is the leading mental health issue among American Eads and each year it keeps rising with young adults, teens, and children.
Today I'm going to talk about the overwhelming problem with anxiety. First I'm going to explain how children and teens are affected by anxiety. Then talk about how social media causes self-esteem issues and finally how we can fix the problem and erase the stigma surrounding it.
Most districts on anxiety in children and younger adolescence aren't easy to come by. A study published based on the National Survey of Children's Health, which the researcher is noted: that they are the only national data sources to evaluate the presence of anxiety and depression regularly in adolescents. Their findings were limited though and relied on the reports of parents and guardians as to whether a healthcare professional that ever told them their child was suffering from one of those anxiety conditions. Those are responding yes we're asked to describe the level of both anxiety and depression and their children: 10:7% said their child's depression was severe and 15.2% who listed their child's anxiety at that level. 15.2% think about that number. 15.2% of children with severe anxiety. That's 15. 2% more than it should be some of these children won't even get treated for their anxiety. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable though. Get only 36. 9% of those suffering received treatment. According to the anxiety and depression association of America, "it affects 6.8 million adults or 33.1% of the US population" this hopeless feeling over 6 million people deal with daily. 6 million people ride a roller coaster scarier than the tallest most terrifying ride in the world. Take our class for example before today's presentation someone in here might have been a little bit nervous. Especially the one kid that rewrote his speech last minute just kidding Tyler. But we as a collective at least have to deal or will deal with anxiety at some point in our lives.
Now on to social media in March 2018 it was reported that more than a third of generation Z from a survey of 1000 individuals stated that they were quitting social media for good. 41% stated that social media platforms made them feel anxious, sad, or depressed. For example, Ben Jacobs a DJ Who has over 5000 followers on Twitter decided to go on hiatus from the platform in January 2016 and has found the break beneficial " Twitter did indeed make me feel anxious from time to time as it slowly dawned on me I was concerning with my self the feeling of 1000 strangers that I followed while they didn't necessarily know who I was" he stated. This can be the effect of social media on your mental health as well. Like then I even worry about what I post on Instagram and TickTock. Every time I post some thing I'm constantly checking in wondering who liked it? who didn't like it? why didn't anyone comment? why don't I have over 1000 followers? Why? Why? Why? In our world the more followers the more popular you are and the more friends you have and it gives me so much anxiety and many others anxiety that I don't have those followers. You have a fear of missing out and having a feeling of being left out of something. A constant worry that you didn't post the right thing or say the right thing in your life. According to the Center of mental Health " The rise of social media has been a fundamentally multifascinated phenomenon the statistics suggesting that it will come to play and increasedly dominant role in our lives." The evidence suggests that social media is strongly associated with anxiety, loneliness, and depression. Whether it is casual or just a correlation we all need to be further examined by researchers mental health policies stakeholders and the social media industry.
So how are we going to fix this problem? No don't worry it won't take much. as a collective we need to get treatment for those who need it whether it be your next-door neighbor or even yourself. Everyone can get better and lower the 15.2% down two may be a 9.5%. Well you don't necessarily have to quit social media for good but if you are feeling like it's beginning to bog you down why not consider allocating social media free time slots during your daily routine? This slight change could do you a whole lot of good. So remember to take your meds because we want you here and thank you

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