"Jungkook" the stranger repeated.

"Yes, Jungkook" Jk said and pointed the index finger towards the stranger "and you are.." The stranger said something and Jk had no idea what he just said. So he showed with his thumb and index finger a sign for 'short' then again pointed to the stranger. The stranger blinked a few times then said "Jin".

"Jin, nice to meet you Jin" Jk said with a smile and started driving again.

After 30 minutes they stopped in front of a gate, Jk let his window down, the guard recognized him and opened the gate straight away. He parked in the garage, walked around the car and opened the door for Jin. The man tried to get out but the seatbelt was holding him back. Before he could start pulling on the straps, Jk leaned down, looking into Jin eyes that were shining like two suns, moving with curiosity. He unlocked the seatbelt for him.

The house, or more a mansion, was empty. His parents went on a vacation and gave the maids few days off.

He guided Jin to the living room and signaled him to sit down, tapping on the couch. The other obeyed but only till he saw Jk leaving the room. Jk left to the kitchen to grab two water bottles and to call his friends. He jumped a bit as he closed the fridge and saw Jin standing there, 'geez, got almost a heart attack'. Calming down he gave him the open water bottle and signaled him to drink.

Drinking too, he took out his phone and called 'Sunshine', who picked up after only one ring, yelling and cursing. Hearing the noise, Jin grabbed the phone and turned it in his hands, looking at it with a frown, talking some gibberish. Looking again at Jk, he gave the phone back and sipped his water.

"Are you injured...or in a hospital right now?.. Because that would be the only excuse for you to not show up." J-Hope said almost yelling. Jk observing Jin, who's walking around the kitchen looking here and there opening the cabinets and touching all the things.

"Hey, are you there" J-Hope's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah I'm here and I'm not in a hospital" he said and added with sarcasm "thanks for your concern."

"Pft, as if... you better have a very good explanation why you're not here!" J-Hope hissed at him.

"I'm at my parents house, can you and the guys come over and hurry up." He heard a grumbling sound, turned around and saw Jin, with a frown and hands on his stomach.

"Bring some food" he said cutting the line before the other could reply. He opened the pantry and grabbed a pack of chips. Walking back to the living area, making sure Jin followed. Sitting down opposite from Jin, he opened the chips putting them on the coffee table. Carefully Jin took one potato chip, smelled it and putting it into his mouth. It took him few seconds, to figure out if it's safe to swallow but he was so hungry and it did taste edible.

Jk leaned back on the couch watching Jin. He still couldn't believe how handsome this man was, 'long, soft, dark brown hair, bangs covering his big brown eyes... long lashes... button nose... full, screaming kiss me, lips...wide shoulders...tiny waist...legs' Jk's thoughts got interrupted by the buzzing sound of his phone, a message from 'Annoying V' showing, will be there in 20.

Jk turned on the TV, to see if there was anything on the news, maybe a search going on for a criminal. On the screen appeared a journalist surrounded by bystanders speaking about the big police presence in the city. Saying that in other parts, apparently military vehicles have been sighted. She tried to interview one of the passing officers. The officer stopped and told her not to worry, they were doing just a drill, a routine and all would be over soon.

The news channel then switched to an other reporter on the other side of the city, where a military convoy could be seen. As the camera moved more to the right, where people were standing and watching the convoy... Suddenly Jin jumped up and ran to the TV "gibberish gibberish gibberish". Jk looked at him, who was pointing at a person then started laughing and clapping his hands. Jin turned to Jk "Namjoon...Namjoon...gibberish, gibberish".

"You know him?" Jk pointed to the TV screen.

"Namjoon" with a big smile and watery eyes Jin nodded and walked around the living room and talked who knows what.

"Please calm down" Jk said and waved for Jin to come over. He took an iPad from a drawer, tapped on it, sitting back next to Jin. They watched the news again on the iPad. Jk stopped the screen, showing the people. Jin pointed at the same person as before "Namjoon".

The doorbell rang making them both to jump up.

"It's ok, those must be my friends, I told the guard to let them pass" Jk said more to himself then to Jin and after signaling Jin to stay there, he went to open the door. Jin turned his head back to the TV. On the screen was a man, smiling and waving his hand to a woman, she was smiling back, they walk towards each other and the man kissed her on her lips.

Getting distracted by the loud noises coming from the direction Jk left, Jin got up to see what was the commotion. Stopping next to the stairs he saw three man standing next to Jk and talking very loud. Two of them were about the same height as Jk, one a little shorter. They turned their heads towards Jin, widening their eyes they were questioning Jk, without moving their gaze away from Jin.

'I see an angel...is he real' one of them thought, licking his lips.

'Damn, did I just die and went to heaven' the shorter one thought, changing his bored expression to a curious one.

'Ok, now I get why this little shithead didn't show up' the third guy thought while giving a heart shaped smile.

Coming back to his senses, Tae started taking steps towards Jin, with a big square smile plastered over his face. Jin remembered what he just saw on the screen, so he walked towards Tae, gave him a smile and pressed his lips against Tae's. The other three men, who were watching the scene gasped, with eyes almost popping out and jaws dropping.

Tae on the other hand recovered from the shock and just as he was about to respond to the kiss and put his arms around the handsome stranger, he moved away and walked over to the others.

Still frozen and shocked everybody stared at Jin. He stoped in front of the shorter one, gave him a smile, leaned in and pressed his lips against Yoongi's, who by the way just stopped breathing.

J-Hope stood there with opened arms, closed eyes and ready to receive the kiss, that never came. He opened one eye and was met with Jk's deadly glare, holding Jin's body close to himself. Turning back to Jin, Jk asked him annoyed "what the hell are you doing?" Jin just gave him a confused look.

"Don't you see, he's saying hello...now move back and let him great me properly" said J-Hope, moving towards Jin. A slap on the back of his head made him stop and turn around.

"Not gonna happen, you're getting married to my little sister" Yoongi said with gritted teeth.

"So, would you like to introduce us to your handsome as hell and very friendly friend" Tae said with a smirk. Stepping in front of Jin, clearing his throat, Jk gave Tae the finger and pulled Jin back to the living room. Taking the seat next to him and started unpacking the food, his so called friends brought.

The three friends were sitting opposite Jin and Jk and without blinking watched Jin trying the food. 'If I new the food was for him and not Jk, I would've brought more', all three had the same thought.

Trying to get their attention, Jk cleared his throat and started explaining how he met Jin. As they listened to him and couldn't believe how lucky he was.


Ok, I'm sorry, I published the story (am still embarrassed 🙈🙈🙈)  then read the comments,  panicked 🙀  tried to reread the story and to correct at least 10% of the one million mistakes, somehow I deleted the shit 🤦🏻‍♀️  my husband said, the story was so bad, it got automatically deleted, and he almost convinced me

Sorry I didn't give up, so after few hours of cursing and 🍸🍸🍸🍸appletinis later, it doesn't look so bad anymore 😳  tho can't remember how to change the freaking cover

How I said it's my first time writing more then 5 sentences in a row, so please hold back your expectations. 

But anyway thanks everyone who already read the first chapter I'm sure it was painful, and thanks to everyone who's willing to read it ❤️

The day we met, my world changed | jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now