Chapter 1

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Jk got into his car and started driving, he was in a good mood, it was Friday evening and his friends were waiting for him. He turned on the radio and looked outside at the sky, it's dark blue with some dark orange and red little clouds. 'It could rain later on' he thought as he saw the dark clouds building on the horizon.

He was waiting for the traffic light to turn green as a message popped up on his phone from 'Sunshine' saying, if he doesn't arrive soon they will start without him. He smiled and looked back up at the now green lights. Wanting to push the accelerator he hesitates as he heard and saw in his back mirror police cars with lights and sirens on, nearing very fast and soon passing him. 'Something bad must have happened' he thought 'maybe an accident, I better take the next right so I don't get caught in the traffic jam'. Still busy with his thoughts, more police cars were passing him. He turned the radio station to traffic channel to hear if they say something, about an accident or delays, but nothing unusual. The news channel was also just the usual blah blah blah, annoyed he turned it off.

Just two blocks away from his destination he was again waiting for the green lights, he could still hear the police sirens. Sounds like they were coming from all directions and as he looked up to the sky he saw a police helicopter circling around the area. 'Hm, maybe they are searching for someone' he sighed and looked back ahead.

A commotion on his left caught his attention, the pedestrians were looking at something, he followed their gazes and saw a man barefoot, dressed in white pants and a white long sleeves shirt running towards them. The man looked back few times, didn't stop on the crossing and ran onto the road bumping into Jk's car.

"Oh my god, is he ok" people standing around questioned. Jk got out of the car wanting to remove the man from his bonnet. He grabbed his arm and turned him around, when he saw the man's face, he froze for a moment 'not from this world' was his only thought. He stared at the man's face and looked into his eyes, he saw confusion but no fear. The man started talking very fast with hands waving but Jk couldn't understand a word. The language wasn't familiar to him 'it's not Chinese, Japanese or English and it doesn't sound like Spanish, French or German'. Jk doesn't speak all those languages but due to his work and lots of traveling he could guess. 'Maybe an African language' he thought 'tho he looks Korean'.

Police sirens could be heard nearing, the man jumped up from the bonnet and looked around, he met Jk's eyes again, this time he's eyes were pleading for help. Without a second thought Jk grabbed his hand and pulled him into the car. He told the bystanders that he knew the man and would drive him to the hospital.

He started driving, himself not sure where to. Questioning his sanity he looked at the road and back to the beautiful stranger. All kinds of things went through his head 'is he the one police is looking for, if so why, what did he do, is he a murderer?' His body stiffened at that thought. He looked down to his phone and saw 2 more messages, knowing they must be from his friends he turned his head back to the stranger who was looking out of the window with eyes wide open, turning his head up and down, right to left almost like a child that saw things for the very first time. Jk stopped the car and the stranger turned his head towards him, with a questioning look. Jk leaned towards the stranger, who's eyes followed his each move. He had to bite on his lips to not laugh at the comical and at the same time adorable expressions the stranger was giving him. He leaned further and grabbed the seatbelt saying "seatbelt". The stranger looked at the straps around his chest and back at Jk, who strapped back on his own seatbelt.

"My name is Jungkook" he said pointing his index finger at himself "what's yours?" Again gibberish came out of the strangers mouth. Waving his hand and pointing his index finger at himself "Jungkook, Jungkook".

The day we met, my world changed | jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now