Chapter 30

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A/N For some people, accepting or even hearing the faults of those you love would be too much for them to bear and therefor people choose to ignore the signs. It is not saying that the person is a bad person perse, but more an ignorant ass that cannot learn how to accept and fight against the evil that someone is doing.
Unfortunately when this happens, you have to choose for yourself. You have to choose yourself above those whose love and care you would wish to have with all your heart. And even when it hurts to make such a decision, the other person WILL never change enough to be acceptable, to have a solid place in your heart and life.
With that said, I thought you would like to know who some of these characters are based on:
- Aubrey St. Clair —> My curly blond eskimo best friend
- Rebecca St. Clair —> My own mother. Duh.
- Ezekiel DiMartino —> My eldest brother
- Lemuel DiMartino —> My middle brother ( I know you're not gay, bro. I don't care)
- Theodore —> My nephew ( you are not even two years old yet, but I got major plans for you, Mea Lux)

- Ricardo DiMartino —> My own father.

There are more, but I don't want to spoil. With that said let's start!!

Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall
Face it all together
Let the sky fall
When it crumbles
We will stand tall

I was sitting with Lem, Nick and Em when I got the message. I kept looking at it. Kept reading and rereading it.
Something was wrong. Something was very wrong.

No one had seen or heard from Lainey for over a week, almost two. And this message explained everything. One of my worst fears, come to life.
"What kind of text did she send you, love?" Em asked softly. I looked at her, but for the life of me couldn't get a word out of my mouth so I simply showed them the text.

Just leave me alone Zeke. I swear to god you try to call one more time, I'll never talk to you again!!

Emily couldn't understand what was wrong with the message itself, but Lemuel immediately called Aquila and put him on speaker.

"Aqui, do you know where Dells friend, Kat, lives?  I really need to know." He demanded on the phone.
"Kat? You mean Katherine? Bro, Katherine and her brother moved out of the country almost two months ago. Why?" I paled.
"Shit, shit. shit. Aqui have you heard anything from Della in the last two weeks?"
"I haven't seen her since she got grounded. Why? What's going on? Is she okay?"
"I don't know Aqui. I don't know..."
"There are no places in L.A. where she could go. I know that she hadn't been coming to school..."
"What?? And you didn't tell anyone?" Lemuel yelled.

"I thought she needed time off from the world. You don't know how bad everything was before dad forced us to the restaurant. We basically got to know everything that happened in the years stayed with our mother and dad didn't even bat an eyelash. He didn't say anything to her to console her at all. She even screamed out that she was done and was leaving."

"Zeke, did you hear anything from Rebecca?" Lemuel asked me and I just shook my head. Lainey hadn't gone to Miami and if she did, she would have taken her stuff and her car. Almost everything in her room was already packed up ready to go.
Aquila told Noah, but Noah could be heard in the background that she would come back when Lainey was ready. I didn't believe him, Aquila didn't believe him and proceeded to yell at Noah to send people out to find her. He wasn't doing it. Lemuel eventually hung up the phone.
Which left me with one person left to call.

I was anxious as the phone rang.
"Who are you calling Zeke?"
As I wanted to answer his question, we heard someone's voice.
"Adrian King." Lemuel looked at me wide eyed.

"Adrian, This is Ezekiel DiMartino. We need to talk, I need a favour."
Laughter was heard on the other side. "We are no allies Ezekiel, so why would I need to do you a favour?"

"It's about my sister Adelaide. I need help as my father and brother won't help us."
Shuffle was heard on the other end of the line together with some murmurs.

"What happened to North? Does aunt Becca know?" Marcus's voice could be heard.
"Lainey is missing and no, I have not informed Rebecca yet. I wouldn't even know what to tell her. We all thought Lainey left the house the night of her birthday because of something that happened. I thought I had been texting with her for the past week and a half not knowing that the person I was texting wasn't Lainey at all. Something happened to her and someone else is trying to cover it up."

"What help do you need from us? I can call in a service with the conductor if your mafia is not a member. It would only take the conductor a couple hours at most. I'll notify you when I hear something. Lord knows we don't want Aunt Becca coming at us when she's angry."

"No stop! You can't ask the conductor, she won't reply. I asked you because apparently you have the best hacker that hacked through the conductors program. I need you to do it again." I pleaded.

"And go behind the conductor's back? Are you insane? She will automatically blacklist us! I hacked into that system once and got an immediate response. I am not doing it again!" Marcus exclaimed.
"Wait. How do you even know that?" Marcus asked.

I looked at Lemuel and the rest. I promised I wouldn't say...

"But how can they track you down through a program? And who came close?"
"The american mafia, the King's, and you see this?" She showed me a tiny delicate necklace that she was wearing.
"It may be small but we pull off the top of the pendant, it's actually a micro port. The program is on here. With this I can help anyone at any time. The only thing I need is a device connected to the internet. So it doesn't matter if I'm at home or at school. And this little thing is always connected to a satellite, so it is trackable and can track anybody according to GPS locations."
"So hack through that program and they can always find you." She simply nodded.

"What I am going to say does not leave your ears or the room you are in. Are you two alone?"
"No." Adrian said truthfully. "Julien St. Clair is also here."
"A St. Clair is fine as Adelaide trusts Rebecca with her life."
"Wait, Adelaide? I thought her name was Aurora as Aubrey called her."
"Her full name is Adelaide Aurora. She went as just Aurora for a couple of years when she met Aubrey." Lemuel butted in.
"The reason I know you hacked into the program and the reason I am asking you to do it again... Is because Lainey IS the conductor."

"WHAT?! What are you talking about Zeke?! I know Dells is smart, but seriously? Where did you get that idea from?" Lemuel screeched.
"I am not making this up Lem. Adelaide is very good with numbers and probability measures. She also learned how to hack and basically made an entire program to let probability and chance be calculated 24/7. I have seen the program itself. Why do you think I want them to hack into it?"
"I still don't understand."

"Her program is traceable by GPS. She always wears the program around her neck, so that if something happened, it would be a contingency plan. Apparently Marcus has been the one that tried and succeeded hacking into it a couple of years back, she told me. He did it then, he could do it again."
"Stop arguing, both of you. We are on our way to the jet to come to you. As soon as we have a location we will let you know and we will come with you. Merde, Let's hope she is alright... Especially for Tante Rebecca. She will go on a murder spree if something happened to that girl." Julien commanded.
The Kings would come to the DiMartino household when they landed and we would be ready to roll the moment they found the location.

Hang on, sweet Lainey, I'm coming for you. I will find you, even if it's the last thing I do.

I hope you now understand maybe a bit more, that no matter how much our girl says the things they need to hear, her father stays deaf to it. I know that reading it sucks and breaks your heart and maybe even makes you mad. But that's the life of a person who craves TLC from a parent that just doesn't care for you. A parent that pretends, but would never actually feel love for you at all.

And it is something that you have to learn to accept, which can be one of the hardest things in the world.
Especially when you were a legit daddy's girl growing up.. Like me.

Love, Sarah

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