Chapter 12

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Who's that sexy thing I see over there?
That's me, standin' in the mirror
What's that icy thing hanging 'round my neck?
Um, that's gold, show me some respect, oh

Pulling the car in front of the house, I started to get more anxious than before.
This was it. I was going to see everyone again. The beautiful memories I made in this house got tainted in my mind. By the bad memories.
The horrifying past.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Kiel was rubbing my back, trying to calm me down.
"No matter what. I mean what I told you in the hospital. I finally got you back and you are never leaving me again. I will never let you leave my life again." He said with a smile on his face. I gave him a loving smile back. Looking back at the house I nodded at him. I was ready.

"Remember who you are. They cannot do anything to you. You are your own person. A confident person with a voice of their own. They will not take that away. And if they don't like who you have become then they are not worthy of your time. They are not worthy of being a part of your life."
"Let's get this shit show on the road!"

I got my purse as we exited the car and walked to the front door.
"They already know you're coming with me." He said just before he opened the door and yelled out. "We're back!" And I couldn't love my brother anymore then I already did. Saying we're back instead of the standard phrase 'we're home'.

Before I knew it they were all in front of me in the foyer.
My seven other brothers. My evil twin, my father and my new stepmother.
Both my father and Aquila we're frozen from shock when they saw my face. I looked at them. Hurt painting my face before my eyes moved on to everyone else. James, Lemuel, Silas, Ezra, Theodore and last I looked at him. Noah. I wanted to give him a smile, but he merely looked at me with a look that was as cold as ice.
Of course I was avoiding the big elephant in the room. Unfortunately she just had to demand attention.

"OMG! You're home. I have missed you so much sissy!" Adaline practically screamed out when she put her arms around me. I just stood there and then thought of the most joyous thing. Something that put an evil smile on my face.
"Yes, ADDIE. I'm back. And I am not going anywhere anymore. We're going to have sooo much fun together." I said looking her dead straight in the eyes. I knew she was internally seething. I pushed her to the side wanting to introduce myself to both my stepmother and my newest sibling, who evidently was hiding from me behind my father.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Genevieve. Ezekiel told me a lot about you. I'm Adelaide."
"It's nice to finally meet you as well, Sweetie." She said with a smile on her face. Kiel was right, she was indeed a soft hearted woman. Granting me an opportunity after every possible story everyone here had already told her.

Turning around Aquila was directly in my face. "Adele..." he said softly. Everyone was watching every move I made. As if I was some kind of bomb ready to go off at any second.
I looked at Aquila and I just couldn't let my pettiness pass.
"Creepy guy, I think Asher called you." His shoulders sagged. He knew I wasn't just going to forgive him like that. People were just listening in, confused.

Walking around him towards Theodore. I looked at my father, giving him only a slight nod.
"Father." I immediately looked away and down at Theodore. I crouched to be at the same height. I could practically see the fear radiating off him in waves. He probably thinks I'm like her.

So, I started slow, soft. By giving him a soft loving smile and gaze.
"You must be Theodore. Kiel talks about you a whole lot. I also heard everyone calls you Theo, is that right?" After a little moment of wavering he nodded slightly.

"Well, I'm Adelaide, but all my friends call me North. You can call me that too, if you'd like. Can I call you teddy? I think that's a better nickname than Theo, don't you think. And it will be MY 'special name' for you. Just like Kiel has one for me. Is that okay?"

"...Yes." He answered very softly.

"Can I get a hug from you? You see I just got back after not seeing any of these idiots for years and I don't even get a hug, which makes me very sad." I pouted, blinking my eyes repeatedly. I opened my arms for him to get into and he did. Progress people.
During the hug I whispered to him. "You are no longer alone. I am right here for you. I will protect you."
And then I heard the most amazing sound. He giggled! It was so cute.
Standing back up. No one said anything. They just stared at me, not knowing what to do. I was getting super annoyed by it.
"Seriously?! No hello? No, hey how are you? No, Adelaide, I missed you? Really?" This just hurts.

Lemuel finally got out of his spot. "Welcome home, kiddo." I flinched at that word. He saw that but didn't mention it. He finally gave me a soft hug. Finally bro!
Father finally decided to unfreeze at that moment. "Welcome back, sweetheart." I didn't have the time to react to that as another few pairs of footsteps were heard coming closer. Looking up, my eyes started to water and my smile began to widen. Everyone saw it and looked behind them. Wondering who could make me that happy.

I ran and jumped into his arms. "Uncle Beck! I missed you so much!"
He held me tight and laughed. "I missed you as well. You haven't changed a bit. Still the little monkey you are."

"You got old, old man." I said laughing. It was the truth. His hairs started graying. He was now sporting glasses that looked really good on him. Next to him was Miss Marie shedding a few tears.
Giving her a loving embrace, this embrace felt like warmth.
"We prepared your room for you, miss. We hope you like it. Let me show you."

My smile just wouldn't leave my face as I looked at them. I turned back around and looked at the guys. "Since someone ordered me to come here, I had to leave my own apartment so I packed the most precious things to come with me. There are about five suitcases in the boot of the car. Won't you guys be a dear and get them to my room. I am so tired after the long journey. Teddy. Teds. Tedster, buddy. Won't you show me to my room?" I winked at him.

I grabbed Kiel's arm and walked behind Uncle Beck and Teddy up the stairs.
"Toodles!" I waved at them like a MOFO queen.

Walking into the room, I couldn't believe I was going from a big apartment to myself to sharing stuff with others. Like the kitchen. Not that I spent a lot of time in my own kitchen, since maman's cooking was the bomb.
"Thank you uncle beck. I love what you did to the room. It's perfect."
He hugged me again. "I am so glad you are back and safe. How are your injuries? I heard about it on the news."

"I'm fine uncle Beck don't worry." He nodded and kissed my temples before leaving me alone.
"I am getting cleaned up. I'll see you at dinner?"
"You're sitting next to me dude. You ain't getting out of that one." I told him sternly.
He merely laughed and walked out when the other guys came in with my suitcases.
Teddy made himself scarce as soon as he could.
He would observe me a little longer before letting me in, which is completely normal.

Breathe in, breathe out. You can do this. Don't blow your cap off just yet.

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Love Sarah

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