Chapter 22.50

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Ezekiel had the perfect scheme. At 12 years old, he finally had the ultimate plan to make Adelaide doubt herself.
At two years old, she was the only one in their family that was able to tell him and Noah apart. They were identical twins. In the literal meaning of the word.
Ezekiel had checked how Noah dressed for the day. From his socks to the way he did his hair.
Ezekiel was a complete carbon copy of his twin. If they were standing next to each other at that point, people would think one was a clone copy of the other.

Searching for Adelaide, there would only be a few places she would be.
Her Room
The garden
The art room
The library
With the Butler Mister Beckett.
Ezekiel may not have had a perfect relationship with her as Noah did, but he did drift more to her than to Adaline.
Taking her room as the first option, he was immediately spot on. Creaking open the door and taking a sneak peak behind it, he saw her on the floor drawing with her favourite colours. Purple, pink, green, yellow and blue.
He also perfected the way Noah talked to her.
"There is my Rora. I've been looking for you!" He said to his two year old sister.
Adelaide stopped drawing and looked at him with a big giggling smile.
"Kiki!" She exclaimed.
"No, I am Noah, my sweet Rora." Ezekiel tried to convince her.
Still giggling he shook her head no.
"You Kiki." She pointed at him.
"How? How did you know I'm not Noah?" Ezekiel was astonished. She truly was the only one who could easily see the difference.
Adelaide didn't react to his question. She simply stood up with her pencil still in her hand and hugged Ezekiel's leg whilst chanting his name. "Kiki. Kiki."
Ezekiel picked her up and sat down with her on his lap.
"What were you drawing, Lainy?" Ezekiel never called her adelaide. He always said Lainy. No one else called her that so he felt that was his special name for her. With Adaline everyone called her Addie, so that never sounded special to him. But Lainy did. Lainy was his nickname for her.
Adelaide put her fingertips on the top of her head with her arms bending.
"A ballerina?" He asked to which Adelaide nodded her head a lot and went back to smiling.
She took his hand. "Kiki. Colo." placing a pencil in his hand, she wanted him to colour with her. And so he did.
They spend their entire day colouring the ballerina and playing other games together.
Even after they had dinner. Ezekiel spent his entire weekend with his baby sister and no one but the maids and mister Beckett disturbed them.
No one sought Adelaide out.
Adaline sought out Ezekiel, who simply told her that he was busy.
Ezekiel loved spending his days with his Lainy.

She would persevereWhere stories live. Discover now