Help Stop Bullying

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I was today reading some stories on the news pages been a bullying article caught my attention. It said that a kind took his life away because of bullying. So I am here to talk about bullying. If you are getting bullied of some sort. Please tell a superior or someone you can talk to like a family member or a therapist. There are many ways someone can bully. For example racism, sex, sexuality, the way you look and the list goes on. But I am here to talk about the bullying that happens in schools. Kids if you get bullied and say nothing what do you think is going to happen. That the bully will lose interest in you. The fact that the bully can get away with the things that he says and does will probably make him do more serious things like maybe an assault. You see, some people are too scared to tell someone about what's going on with them and that's the problem. For example likes make a story.

Jacob goes off to school super excited for his first day of school. Jacob sees all the kids talking and some looking in there lookers. Then he sees some kids approaching "you look like a bi**h what's your name" one guy says. Jacob feels offended of his comment. "Please don't call me that it's not nice" Jacob says politely. "We don't give a f**k" the guy says. He calls Jacob horrible names and embarrasses him through all the day. He doesn't want to be at school anymore. He didn't like his first day of school. When he got home he ran to his room and cried. He cried and cried. His mom went to see him a couple times. All he said is was he was 'okay'. Now that Jacob didn't tell anyone and the bullies got away with this. The bullying got more and more AND more serious by the day. After he lost an eye from bullying. His mom went to the school an had to find what was going on herself. After she found out she felt so bad and told the principal right away. The bullies were expelled and arrested. But Jacob limps and lost an eye. If he had told someone about it, it could have been prevented.

You see everyone some people KILL THEMSELVES for what bullying does. We should not tolerate this. We need to stand

Thank you so much for reading and hope you will "Take A Stand"

Bye now and see you tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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