Help World Hunger

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Has any of the people you live with make food that you don't like. You say "ew" and gage and say how much you hate it. I know maybe some people might have heard "be grateful for what you have, some people wish they had that" (or something like that). Well I'm here not only to tell you that there right, but put also I will say. Why not put yourself on there shoes for a day. Let's see, as a person who lives on the street and has no food or water right when they wake up is pretty hard. So you (as a homeless person) either has to beg for money on the street for hours waiting to get enough money to buy a drink. Not to mention all the rude people kicking you. Now that your REALLY hungry and had nothing to eat for hours. You need 3 more dollars to buy you ONE water bottle. So now you have to go back to begging and if you as a homeless person would prefer your least favourite food or no food AT ALL. You see it's very easy to say stuff like "oh, then give it to the poor. I don't want it" when you are in the shoes of a person that can afford food. And also not to mention all the people who DIE FROM HUNGER. So when you see a homeless person on the street and you happend to have some change with you. Give it to them. They probably need the most.

Well then, thanks for reading

I hope you can "Take A Stand" for people who suffer from hunger

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