Waste In The Ocean

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A Lot of you may have heard of the waste in the ocean. Well today I will be bringing it up. The pollution that is in the ocean is horrible. There are people just too lazy to throw out there trash and decide it's a good idea TO PUT IT IN THE OCEAN. Have any of you wondered where your dump truck goes? Well bad news, most of it goes in the ocean. Let's take another approach, your eating your favourite kind of seafood at dinner. You think it's clean right? Well no exactly, you see some of the life in the ocean either eats plastic that was thrown into the ocean or DIED from the plastic in the ocean. There is a HIGH CHANCE that YOUR SEAFOOD probably has some plastic waste in it. Would you like to eat that food? I'm guessing not. People don't see actually what there doing. Some people do it because other people are doing which makes other people doing and more and more, and becomes a cycle. To me, that is not the way to live. Plastic in our food, no thank you. But it's not all over yet, here's 3 things that you can do to stop it. Number ONE, you can say no to plastic water bottles and yes to reusable ones ( even the metal water bottles keep the temperature of your water what you want it to be). Secondly, follow all the laws and regulations of water. Thirdly, tell a friend or family member, it always helps not to be one person. 

Thank you for reading and hope "You Take A Stand"

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