is Terminus really save

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Kai and the rest of the group emerge from the trees to where they last where.

Jake: “Hey Akina, Ethan look who we....”

No on was there. Kai immediately turned round to Jake and looked at him dead in the eye

Kai: “is this some sort of sick joke to you.”

Kai clenches his fist like he’s gonna punch Jake before Yaito steps in.

Yaito: “Kai believe me her and Ethan where here trust me.”

Kai: “ok I believe you Yaito They would not just wonder off especially if they were injured.”

Kai gets down on one knee and looks at the ground.

Kai: “hey guys there is 3 sets of footprints here.”

Jen: “so what your saying is they were taken.”

Kai: “precisely. But who would want to take 2 injured people.”

A crunch of a branch and they all turn round to see a man emerging from the trees.

Strange man: “hello plz don’t shoot me I’m with the group that has your two people we saw they where injured and took them to Terminus. I can bring you to them.”

The man walks off and the group just look at each other. Kai is the first to move starts to follow the man. As he walks away Jen grabs his arm.

Jen: “what if he is lying.”

Kai: “then I kill him.”

Kai continues to follow the man soon after the group follows. After a while of walking they arrive at the Terminus gates. The gate slowly opens revealing a beautiful community seeping with life. It had everything houses to stay in plants and even new people to talk to as they walk through to the town they are taken back by it all. It looks to peaceful and for the first time looks kinda normal. After 5 or 6 minutes of walking they are brought to this big black door with 3 people standing outside. The strange man says something to them and the door slowly opens revealing a great big hall. They all slowly but carefully walk inside. When they walk in they see a female standing there. She walks towards the group

Woman: “hello welcome to Terminus. I’m Corlia I trust you have met our man Gareth he scouts people once we brought back 2 of your people a boy called Ethan told us you were still out there. He told us where we found them and said you would be there. So who is the leader of this group.”

Kai: “well that’s me but before anything I would like to see our people.”

Corlia: “that will not be a problem although you have to get signed in first let’s start with you three.”

She points to Yaito, Jake and Jen they follow her and Gareth take the rest of them outside. The rest are taken to this room to wait where a guard comes a brings them food hands them each of their rations. As he is handing Kai his food he notices something around the guards neck. It’s a necklace that belonged to Jenny that Ethan carries around with him. Kai grabs the guard by the wrist and uses the other hand to push him against the back wall.

Kai: “where the hell did you get this necklace.”

Guard: “i..i.i found it on a dead guy the other day.”


Stacy and Sho walk to the guard now after sitting bewildered by the situation

Stacy: “Kai what are you on about”

Kai: “he has jenny’s necklace that Ethan has.”

He turns back to face the guard

Kai: “where is he.”

Guard: “I don’t know who you are on about a boy and a girl came in a few hours ago.”

Suddenly a bunch of guards burst in the door

Guards: “put your hands up right where we can see them.”

Corlia walks in and looks at the boy who has the guard by the throat

Corlia: “why do you have to be like this nothing is going on here.”

Kai: “I know our people are here show us our people now.”

Kai raises his gun to her head

Corlia: “ ok, ok, ok we don’t need to get out of hand here I will take you.”

She takes the group outside to a cart in the main yard and opens the door and they go inside. Suddenly the door slams shut. They all look around in shock banging on the door.

Ethan: “hey keep it down.”

Jake and Yaito rush over to the boy and Kai slowly turns around and looks at him.

Kai: “ what the fuck happened to your arm!”

Ethan: “oh yeah that thing it was Okari as we ran I was attacked and he cut my arm off because I would not tell him where you went.”

Kai: “it’s ok Ethan we will get him back for this”

Ethan: “hes dead Akina killed him. Have you seen her.”

Kai looks at the boy with sadness in his eyes.

Kai: “where is she?”

Ethan: “wait she’s not with you? So they haven't let her leave yet?"

Kai: “what do you mean hasn't let her leave yet?..."

Zombie Apocalypse (New Co-Op story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن