The beginning of the End

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As they rush through the corridor that is covered in blood Kai notices a room and pulls Jenny into it. “Jenny listen I know your scared but you got to listen to me and we will make it out ok.” Jenny looks a little bit pale but is hard to see for the amount of blood but just nods her head doesn’t say anything. “Alright let’s move!” Kai grabs Jenny’s hand once again opens the door and rushes for the stairs. Kai scans through the dead bodies looking to see if Akina is any of them as they make it to the stairs. “Kai Can were is Ethan?” She says in a soft voice. “Jenny he is with Jake but I need you to focus right now ok.” Going down the stairs and rushing to the main school door. Jenny gets grabbed by one of these things Kai wrestles with the dead person and pushes them off before they can bite Jenny they burst open the main door “JAKE, ETHAN ARE YOU TWO OUT HERE.” “Are you trying to get us killed you moron.” Jake had an angry expression on his face at this point. “they are attracted to sound you can just go around shouting. They are zombies like the ones from video games I think they act the same way” “Jake how do you know this information. Where is Akina And Shozuku.” Ethan Shrugs his shoulders who is covered in blood has a very worried look on his face and Jake who seems unfazed by all this looks blankly. “I’m going back in to get them.” “Bro that’s suicide.” “She is Worth the hassle.” “Kai do you have a crush on Akina.” “Ha no what gave you that idea.” turns round to head back to the door when in the distance he hears. “is what you said true Kai?” Kai turns round and sees Akina and Shozuku standing there. “Em Yeah I do have a crush on you can we discuss this later.” “ How did you make it out anyway.” “I have Shozuku to thank for that.” Shozuku stands and nods. “Before you say anything else don’t we should focus on getting somewhere safe and not staying here.” Jake butts in “I know a place where we can go but everyone listen to me and follow my lead.” Ethan by this point is getting restless. “Guys I don’t like this I’m Afraid I just want to get out of here.” Jake slaps Ethan “Pull yourself together your going to get us all killed.” Akina looks angrily and Jake “don’t be so mean he’s just as worried as everyone else back off him.” Kai decides to take the lead. “Everyone Follow me Before we all die here.”

A Few Hours Later

The Group Arrive at Jake’s Bunker. Jake always prepared for the end of the world he was the only one who had any sort of firearm training. Kai pulls Akina to one Side. “I don’t think Jake should be in charge I feel like he’s going to get us all killed.” Akina nods her head “Yeah although he is the only one who knows how to handle himself he is being a but of a dick though.” Kai Doesn’t show much facial expression “Its no Ethan’s Fault he’s afraid of everything.” Akina looks Kai in the eyes. “Why did you say that to Jake?” “Because it’s true Akina I like you I have for as long as I can remember but I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship but no one knew and I didn’t know you were standing there.” Akina blushes but doesn’t say anything. After a long pause Jake stands on a table and clears his throat. “as the only one with firearm training I’m going to train you guys to use firearms. Akina you already know how to use a crossbow so that’s good. But you guys need to stop being so god dam afraid this is what will get you killed if your scared you die. Ethan all hope is lost for you my friend.” Kai steps in. “Jake cut it out now guys I know we are scared but we need to work together help each other when it comes to training Jake will handle that me and Akina will go try and find food and supplies once we have been trained we need to live we need to not blame each other or call anyone weak. Jake that goes for you.” Jake rolls his eyes. “ we need to get trained as fast as possible because these things wont wait for us they will come for us but I believe in every one of you so let’s get training and let’s survive this.” Kai steps down from the table he had stood on when he interrupted Jake Akina looks at him. “ Did you really mean that what you said about everyone.” “I wouldn’t  have said it if I didn’t. Now we have work to do.”

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