Getting the jump on them

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Kai: They said they would be back in one week Aki who are our best shots

Akina: Well is three Yui, Yaito, Tira, Zuko, Izumi, Xander, Jake and Sho. Why do you ask?

Kai: I dont want to tell you how to run this place but I have a plan that would work well I think

Akina: Any input is welcome, Especially from you two

They all exchange a glancing smile at that point all injures where forgotten at that moment there was peace. Kai shares his plan to Jen and Akina

Akina: That might just work, Alright let's get things prepared.

The next few days where spent gathering the things they needed for Kai's plan

4 days later

Kai walks in to Akina's room and sees her asleep. Jen walks in after

Jen: We should make the final preparations and leave her sleeping she needs to recover we need her for the fight

Kai: I want them dead Jen, We are making a change to the plan. That Adam guy, leave him alive I want to deal with him.

Jen: Kai we both want him dead for what he did but you cant take revenge on him.

Kai: if that was the one you loved more than anyone wouldnt you want that man to suffer

Jen: I get what your trying to say but we need you focused on the plan and mot revenge, revenge will come when the time is ready.

Kai: Jen, She has been through enough I said to her I would not let anything happen to her and here we are, Shes been hurt again I need him to know he shouldn't have messed with us.

Jen: Just get focused once we have him you can do what you want with him just be on my side for this I need you.

Kai for the first time turned his head to Jen with tears rolling down his eyes and nodded his head

3 days later

Kai: Jen is everything set up and are we ready.

Jen: Yes everyone is in position is Akina ready

Kai: Not yet she is staying with me, shes not getting hurt again

Jen shakes his head in disapproval

Jen: Ok Kai

Kai: Does everyone know the plan Jen

Jen: Of course if everyone does their job we kill them all

Kai: That's good I'm going to go and get Akina

Kai goes to get Akina. He walks into her room and wakes her up

Kai: Hey Akina We are ready to go

Akina slowly opens her eyes

Akina: Kai I'm ready to go but before we go I need to say something, the other day I heard everything you said, please don't go through with this becuase what if we get slaughtered by them or worse

Kai: I'm going to stop you there when he pulled up at the gates with you all bruised and bloodied I wanted him dead on the spot I'm not losing you

Akina: Kai you need to stop, yes I still have feelings for you but you cant go getting revenge on everyone who hurts me I need to know that you trust my decisions and if I get hurt it's my own fault.

Kai:.... I understand Aki...

Akina: Kai look at me

Kai looks at Akina they share a moment they both look at each other in the eye and Akina leans in for a kiss.


Kai and Akina spring into action like nothing was about to happen. They both run outside and see Adam standing with a knife to Jens neck

Adam: Give me my stuff and I wont kill him, You have till the count of 5 or he dies! 5.....4.....3.....2.....

Kai: Wait you don't have to take hostages, we get what you want but if you want to take hostages take me, I let everyone down

Adam: What the hell are you on about I thought that that bitch beside you was the leader

Kai: That's where you have it wrong too there are technically 1 in charge with 2 beside them but you don't know who is what, you underestimate us don't you

Adam: What are you on about, you have 2 seconds to get me my stuff I'm done talking, GET ME MY STUFF RIGHT NOW.

Kai: Ok, Ok Adam. NOW


As a bullet from seemingly nowhere pierces Adam in the back of the head he falls to the floor and cuts Jens neck. Jen and Adam fall to the floor to reveal Jake standing behind them Holding Kai's magnum, Everyone stands there frozen as Adam's right had man shoots Kai in the leg and he falls to the floor.

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