Making a Tough Choice

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Kai looked at the girl in front of him shocked. "I-I....A-Aki you should rest!" "I'm okay Kai..." Akina looked at the Woman in front of Kai and looked away again. "I'm guessing i'm out?" "Yes, you'll leave tonight" Kai looked between them as he then moved over to Akina and helped her back into the room. "Aki..." "it's okay was bound to happen" "let me speak. We're all gonna leave tonight" "what?" Kai smiled at her as he took her hand in his. "We're a family, if you have to go so do we". Akina looked at the floor before looking back up at the boy in front of her. "Thanks..." "don't mention it, now rest we'll be back later" Kai stood up and headed to the door before a hand stopped him, he turned back around as he looked at Akina who was holding onto his arm. "Aki?" "Did you....when you talked to said you loved it true?" Kai blushed as she said that and placed a hand on his neck rubbing it softly. "Yeah....i do love you...a lot. It's okay if you don't feel the same yet but i'm glad it's out there" he smiled at her as he noticed her red cheeks. Kai chuckled at the sight and leaned down kissing Akinas cheek before leaving the room. Akina looked at the closed door with a sad look on her face 'Kai....i'm sorry....what i'm about to do is gonna hurt you and the others a lot but i can't risk you guys going back out there...i would just be a burden to All of you'

☆♡~2 Hours Later~♡☆

Jake walked into the room to pick up Akina so they could head out. "Hey Sakamaki, if you're ready we can head out- huh?" He looked around seeing no one in the room. He walked closer to the bed and noticed a piece of paper on it. Jake picked it up and started to read what was on it, it didn't take him a full Minute to realize what that was and he rushed out the room to find the others. Jenny noticed the boy running towards her first as she waved him over. "Jake! Over here!" Said boy saw her and ran over to her trying to catch his breath as he came to a stop in front of them. "G-Guys" Ethan placed a hand on his shoulder "Jake what's wrong?" "Here" Jake held out the piece of paper and Jenny took it from him reading it out loud so the group heard it.

To whoever found this paper please hand it over to one of the people i came with. Jenny, Sho, Kai, Jake, Ethan...if you guys get this then please don't worry. I'm okay but by the time you get this i'm long gone...
I'm sorry for just leaving but i couldn't face the fact that if i had to go you guys would too. This place is safe and i want you guys to be safe and not out there. Because of that i decided to leave without telling you guys, i'm sorry. Please don't try and go looking for me. This Was my choice and i want you to respect that. I love all of you and we'll meet again, i promise.
Love, Akina.

The group stood there letting the words register in their minds. Shozuku Was the first to break it "she....she left?" Ethan just looked at the floor not knowing what to say or do. Jenny started shaking and fell on her knees, crying as she Held the paper close. Jake just stared at the girl on the floor not knowing what to do and Kai? Kai just stood there, tears running down his face before he ran off to talk to someone on the wall to get answers.

☆♡~A couple of Months later~♡☆

"DOWN I SAID!" "HEY DON'T TOUCH HIM!!" "I-it's okay Jake..." "Fuck off it's not okay!" "Everyone shut up and not a single move you hear!?" Jake glared at the guy that kept a gun aimed at him as the boy next to him tried to calm him down. "Shut it Kai" "stop acting like a cunt then" Kai looked over to the boy next to Jake and noticed the blood on the side of his face. "Ethan..." "i'm long as Shozuku and Jenny aren't here..." "hey no talking!" One of the other guys came up behind Ethan and hit him over the head with his gun. Jake was about to get up and fight him but Kai stopped him from going anywhere, shaking his head as Jake looked at him. "Tch.." suddenly they all heard some noises from the bushes next to them and 2 people walked out of it. They stopped talking as they noticed what's going on. The girl Held onto the boys arm "S-sho..." "who are you?!" Shozuku glared at them not saying a word. One of the guys walked up to them and made them get down on their knees next to the others. "Just stay still and no talking or moving" the leader walked up to them and looked at Jenny. "Oh ho well aren't you a pretty little thing~ i'm amazed that all of you had only one girl to entertain you~ maybe you can show me what you learned from them~" "Don't Touch her!!" Kai stood up this time ready to step in but got stopped by a gun. "Sir back down or would you rather i kill all of you right now?"

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