Nothing ever goes well

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Jenny, Kai, Shozuku, Jake and Ethan just look in shock. Jenny who hugs Akina, says in a soft gentle voice. “Omg we thought you were dead!" I know you must have done, I’m sorry. But Kai i'm especially sorry to you.” Kai just looks at Akina with tears rolling down his eyes. He doesn’t say anything. Jake with a cold look on his face says “I see you’ve replaced us..." "Jake it’s not like that, did you want me to die out there? this guy saved me! I was almost dead when he found me...” Kai glances at Jen and speaks to Akina. “They kicked us out not long after you left. I got into a confrontation with another group while on a run and got shot in the arm for the trouble i caused...” Jake buts in. “Yeah but not before we torched it to the ground!" "What he says is true Aki, we did what we had to, so where is your camp?" "follow me.”

They arrive at the camp

Kai and Jake sit on a log together. Jake looks at Kai with a cold dark stare in his eyes. “I got a funny feeling about this Jen guy Kai" "what?" "your telling me that he just came from no where and suddenly saved Akina? hell no, he got me feeling all kinds of wrong." "Jake...just don’t do anything stupid, look we found Akina.After all when we got kicked out that’s what we wanted to do, find Aki. Now that we did we have to do what we can to keep this family together and if Akina trusts him than I do too. I trust her to make the right calls and we should too.  We got separated once, it will never ever happen again.I will do whatever it takes to keep us all together.” Akina approaches the 2 . “Guys I cant tell you how happy I am to see you guys again.” Kai gets up and leaves. “ What is his problem?" "Akina, you broke his heart. He cares and he does really love you but for you to just leave and not say broke him. That day, no joke, he locked himself away for like a solid 2 weeks, then when he finally started doing work again he was never the same. He claimed to keep seeing you everywhere. Like he wanted you to come back or something. He also told us about what happend in the doctors office.." "Jake.. I’ve felt horrible about that.. maybe you could talk to him for me..." Aki we both know it has to come from you.” Akina who is now nervous about how Kai will react to what shes going to say to him leaves Jake and goes to Kai.
Meanwhile on the other side of the camp

Jen, jenny and Sho are talking. “how did you manage to keep her alive Jen?" "Well you see...she was in pretty bad shape when I found her, she was almost dead.” Jenny looked at Sho and they said at the same time. “Not the first time that has happened.” Jen who know looks confused out of the corner of his eye spots 7 or 8 zombies. He goes to shout to the others before Sho stops him. “the 3 of us can take out 8 biters. no problem right Jenny?" "Yeah no Sho..I think we should get the others..." "Jenny it’s fine, me and Sho have got this just stay here ok?” Jen and Sho rush off to take care of the zombies.
Back with the others

“Kai can we talk.” Kai turns around and looks at Akina “I just want to know why" "Kai...I couldn’t put you in danger." "So what? you put yourself out there knowing you could die! know I care about you...” Kai starts to cry “I was going to do it you know" "Do what?" "come and look for you, I cant bare being away from you. I know the last time I said it I blurted it out but after these very long two months I don’t ever want to leave your side again. Because...." "because?"  "I have fallen in love with you like a lot! I know I said this two months ago but I could not stop worrying about you and if you were ok! Ever since we meet in school, i may have not realized it right away but i loved you for so long!” Akina who now has a tears rolling down her face looks into Kai’s eyes. “Kai...the reason I did not say anything and just left was becuase it was easier, it was so much easier to just leave than face the truth. The truth that I love you too” Kai pulls Akina closer and gives her a hug. "I can understand why you done that, it was not cool but I can understand." "Oh there you go Kai! had to ruin the moment!" "Oh shit sorry let’s get that back" "Nah you ruined it now."
Meanwhile with the others

Jenny is sitting on a log not to far from Shozuku and Jen. About 10 feet behind her slowly walking towards her is a zombie. Jenny is away in her own little world singing the song that the wolves sang earlier that day. The zombie slowly came closer and closer until it finally reached her.


Shozuku turns round to see the zombies digging its teeth into Jenny’s neck. Shozuku grabs his gun as he rushed towards them "No- No! No! Noo!” he screams as he shoots the zombie in the head and runs to Jenny. Jen turns around and follows, running as fast as he can, Jen sends Shozuku to get the others.
“GUYS! GUYS!" "What is it Sho?! we heard screaming!" I-Its Jenny! shes been bit!” Time seemed to have stopped for the group as they heard these words. The first one to move Was Akina as she started to run.The group quickly followed. As they reached Jen and Jenny they stopped and just stood there shocked. Jenny looked over with a soft smile on her face as Akina quickly went to her side and tried to stop the bleeding. "J-Jenny don't worry! W-we'll get you fixed a-and it will okay!" "Aki-chan..." Jenny slowly raised her hand as she placed it on the girls cheek. "You know it won't work..." "don't say that!!" Jen looked at them sadly. "It''s all your fault!!" Jake went to go and punch Jen but go stopped by Shozuku. "Jake it wasn't his fault!!" "Let me go Sho! That fucker left her alone!!" Ethan ignored it as he walked over and went to Jennys other side, softly taking her other hand into his as he cried. "Jenny.....i'm sorry" the girl smiled "it's was my fault-" she started to cough up blood as Akina and Ethan quickly helped her sit up and lean against the log she was perviously sitting on. Kai just watched from behind not knowing what to say or do. Meanwhile Jake got free and punched Jen as he tried to control his anger. He pulled out his gun and aimed it at the boy. "You have exactly 10 seconds to tell me what the hell happend" Jen looked at him and then at the gun. "....i saw a group of zombies and i was about to go and call the others but you're friend over here said we could handle them" he looked at Shozuku as he stood there with his arms crossed. "We did mange to handle them but by the time the last one was deal with it was to late. We didn't see the one behind her. W-we....we couldn't protect her" Jen looked down as he cried. "I-i'm sorry!" "You think i believe you!? YOU LET IT HAPPEN ON PURPOSE" "JAKE!!" said boy looked over to Akina who looked at him with tears in her eyes and lowered his gun. Jenny who had her eyes closed opened them slightly again to look at her friends. "you guys....." everyone looked over to her as they slowly moved closer. Kai sat down next do Akina while Jake sat down next to him. Shozuku Was next to Ethan while Jen was on the other side of Akina. Jenny smiled as she looked at every single one of them. "Please survive....." Akina held her hand as she moved the hair out of her face. "Jenny...i'm sorry.....i finally get to see you again and then this happens....i'm so sorry i couldn't protect you!" "Aki-chan...look at me...please" Jenny softly leaned up and gave the girl a hug. "I'm sorry that our reunion Was so short....but i'm glad i got to see my best friend one last time" the boys just watched the exchange as they all cried silently. "Jenny.." "Aki-chan, please promise me that you will take care of everyone" Akina looked at her best friend shocked and then manged to show a small smile through her tears. "I-i promise.." Jenny who leaned back against the log looked at everyone else as her own tears ran down her face. "I'm sorry to All of you" Kai shook his head "don't be Jenny...." "i just wish...we had longer..." Jake softly hit her "w-we'll have forever..." Shozuku smiled softly. "O-once you wake up we'll go and spend some time together.." Jenny smiled as she closed her eyes "can..we get ice cream?..." Ethan squeezed her hand "y-yes, yes we can go get ice cream..." "i can't.....wait...." and with that her head fell to the side. "J-jenny?..." Akina placed a hand on the girls cheek ignoring the blood on her hands. "No...." Jake looked away as Akina screamed for Jenny to wake up. Ethan hugged Shozuku as he cried. Kai and Shozuku just looked away. Jen who watched it all happend softly placed a hand on Akinas shoulder only for it to be slapped away. Jake got up as he took out his gun again and aimed it at the white haired girls head. Hand shaking he tried to pull the trigger but couldn't bring himself to do so. Shozuku got up and gently took the gun from Jakes hand as he walked over to Akina as Kai, Ethan, Jen and Jake made space. Shozuku softly grabbed Akinas arm as he pulled the girl off the floor. "NO! LET ME GO! S-SHE'S STILL ALIVE!! W-WE CAN HELP HER!!" Shozuku just hugged her close as she kept yelling at him to let her go, he slowly aimed the gun at Jennys head with a shaking hand. "Jenny....i'm sorry...we all love were our sister....please...Rest well..." "SHO DON'T! P-PLEASE!" "I'm sorry Aki...."


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