What Are We Even Doing?

Start from the beginning

"Lydia?" I called out to her making her turn to look at me.

"I don't know why we're here," she muttered turning to me.

"There's probably another dead body." I told her. "We should call Stiles, Rory, and Scott."

She nodded while I called Rory, and Destiny called Scott.

"Where is she?" I heard Rory ask

"Over here." Taylor called.

"Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"It's the same thing-- same thing as the pool. We got into the car heading to get dinner and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body." She said looking at Stiles.

"You found a dead body?" Stiles asked incredulously.

"Not yet." I interjected.

"Not yet? What do you mean, not yet? Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body." Stiles exasperatedly replied talking with his hands again.

Lydia scoffed as she looked between him and Rory. "Oh, no. I'm not doing that again. You guys find the dead body from now on."

"How are we supposed to find the dead body? You're always the one finding the dead body!" Rory told her as I turned walking away seeing Scott do the same.

"Guys? We found the dead body." Scott called to them glancing at me.

"I can't believe you actually wanted to come to school today. Your mom was totally gonna let you stay home." Destiny told me as I carefully looked around the halls.

"I had a feeling that I needed to be here today." I shrugged. "And besides I'm pretty sure the twins are here today."

I saw Stiles walking away from his dad, so I motioned to the two girls to follow me. "Hey Stiles, you, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." He shrugged.

"You're not, but if you don't want to talk about it that's fine." I told him quietly. "We should get to class. Text me if you guys decide on a plan, alright?"

"Yeah I will. Thanks, Bella."

"Of course, Stiles. Any time."

I was sitting in class when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Lydia is going to get Aiden away from Ethan. We think we can talk some sense into him or at least get him to tell us something.

I slid my phone under the table to Taylor and then Destiny so they could read the text as well.

After class, where do we meet you?

Stairwell down the hall.

'After class.' I mouthed to the girls.

Destiny and Taylor were standing behind Scott, while I stood in between Scott and Stiles.

"Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I'm not gonna kill another one?" His eyes lingering on Stiles.

Stiles looks appalled as he starts talking. "Is he looking at me?" Before he defensively continues. "Are you threatening me? You know what I'm gonna do? I'm going to break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your freaking--."

"Whoa, Stiles! Okay, we get it." Scott interrupted him.

"You should have let him finish. I'm interested to see where he was going with it." I picked at my nails before clearing my throat and looking up. "But just so this is perfectly, crystal, fucking clear. If you or your brother, or any of the other Alphas for that matter so much as look at anyone I care about the wrong way again. I'll rip your hearts out of your chests."

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