Jin-seung Ma was the most recent person to pull that string.

“Jin-seung is a cute disciple, but he is annoying. He shouldn’t use words his friends don’t like. If he picks on you again, don’t show him mercy.”

“Hahaha, I never showed him mercy. He kept following me around today, so I made a prison with my flame thrower technique and locked him in.”

“Jun-yeoul is too nice. That’s why Blue Dragon and Bang-yeoul Yeom worry about you. When you have to battle him again next time, shred his mouth to pieces to teach him a lesson. If he follows you, rip his Cruciate Ligament apart.”

“If he brings up my weakest scale again, I’ll think about that!”

They were injuries that could be easily cured with an item card, but still, the Dragon clan and the descendant talked about violent things.

The two of them headed out Eun-kwang High’s gates.

As they walked out of the school grounds, Je-gun, who seemed to be in a good mood, asked Jun-yeoul something.

“So who did you meet after parting ways with Jin-seung? I can only sense your traces, Jun-yeoul, but somehow it feels like you were with someone.”

Je-gun Yong had high trace-sensory abilities, but he had good gut instincts as well.

Jun-yeoul thought Je-gun might have noticed something with that super instincts, but he decided to play dumb.

“I was just training.”

“With whom?”

Even if he didn’t tell all of the truth, Jun-yeoul didn’t want to lie to Je-gun, who always cared for him.

Je-gun laughed quietly, looking at Jun-yeoul who couldn’t answer.

“Did you train with someone you can’t tell me who it is?”

Je-gun Yong had that distinctive ecstatic expression that even being of his own clan stayed away from.

“Let’s go back and play chess. Let’s go, Jun-yeoul.”

*    *    *

‘That really is something Saeron, who covered 2nd-grade class 0’s story, and Jae-gul Jegal, who is the advisor of the newspaper club and homeroom teacher of 2nd-grade class 0, to be called into by the association.’

Saeron Moon failed to cover the whole story due to class 0’s interference, but she must’ve witnessed something important to have been called upon.

Jiho continued to speak with a twinkle in his eye.

“The difficulty of the Other-world they managed to dominate was classified as N-. It’s not a great deal of difficulty, and it doesn’t mean anything to clear or dominate an Other-world of that class, but they’re humans. It’s amazing.”

It was a low-level Other-world, but yes, it was extremely surprising and cool.

This turn of events weren’t in the game.

Ex Rank Supporting Role's Replay in a Prestigious SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora