Chapter 25

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Translator: NovelMultiverse
Editor: NovelMultiverse

There are many ways to insult the pride of a group.

A method that has been used frequently since ancient times is to defile the group’s land and symbols.

A typical example is tearing the flag or overturning their family graves and building a facility on top of it.

Silver Light district, Seoul was an area that belonged to the tiger tribe.

In the Silver Light district, Silver Light High school was the center of the area.

The Ung tribe, hating the gods, newcomers, and the tiger tribe, tried to insult the new areas, Silver Light district, and Silver Light High school.

 “Did you know student Cho Eui-shin? That dirty work was being done right in front of our tiger tribe’s new area, Silver Light high school.”

  If Jeokho, an expert in information gathering, targets Choi Pyeon deuk, he would have figured out everything.

A small red spark crackled around Jeokho, who couldn’t hold back his emotions.

“To think a teacher in the Silver Light high school would do that… … !” 

Choi Pyeon-deuk was secretly operating several decadent businesses in front of the Silver Light high school.

As a teacher of the high school, he had high credibility and had many connections, so it was easy to deceive the eyes of Silver Light district Office and Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education.  

“There was no clear evidence.”

  If the game progressed normally, the protagonist and the party will succeed in purifying the Silver Light district around next year.

From a gamer’s standpoint, it was clear that Choi Pyeon-deuk was the culprit, but the protagonist and the party missed all of the evidence.

So he had to be more cautious.

“There is a high possibility that Choi Pyeon-deuk is holding hands with other tribes besides the Ung.” 


He saw a red lightning strike through the balcony window.

Like last time, he heard screams all over the dorm.

  “If Jin Woong Palsun joins forces, it will be possible to break through the barriers of the high school and infiltrate an Enemy after turning hurting a teacher in a short time. However, the only thing that Jinwoong Palsun is related to is the disappearance of the Sawol Seum.”

And now, of the unsuccessful attempts to annihilate the deities, two of Jinwoong Palsuns have lost their minds, and three are in deep sleep.

There is no room for them to attempt to breach the Silver Light high school barrier.

The same is true of the disappearance of Sawol Seum.

Excluding for the fact that Ung Nyeo of grief made a sterling silver coin of oath of silence and sold it to the Hwanmong auction, the greatest power of the Ung, Jinwoong Palsuns becomes virtually irrelevant. 

 “One of the Jin tribes belonging to the Alliance of the 12 must have betrayed the Tiger tribe.”

  The Alliance of the 12.

About 100 years ago, the first alien conflict occurred on this Korean Peninsula.

As the Jin tribes existed in this world and the room for intervention increased, the Jin tribes, the incarnations of 12 animals revered on the Korean Peninsula, established a non-aggression treaty on the Korean Peninsula.

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