Chapter 11

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Translator: Hong
Editor: Darling

Wherever you go there are always people unsatisfied with their positions even if they are already a part of an elite group. 

To further categorize many of these unsatisfied people came from the B or C groups. 

They had big ambitions and rage. 

The easiest way to vent these feelings was to take it out on the weak. 

For that very purpose, they had organized the auction called “dream world” which was the main event of the night. 

‘When I had played it as a game I strategized by constructing the map myself, so I remembered where the secret passageway.’

I referred back to my memory and easily found the secret passageway. 

Soon I reached the location I had planned to reach, the backstage of the banquet hall. 

That’s how I had reached backstage. 

Every individual item card was packaged on a golden box waiting to go on stage. 

‘The item qualities are not bad.’

They didn’t look more than SR rarity but there were SR—— and R+++ rarity items. 

They were sufficiently rare items.

Seeing how there were a few large boxes there seemed to be a few items up for auction that wasn’t convertible into a card form. 

In terms of cost, these items were worth thousands and millions. 

But of all the one that caught my attention was the gold plated birdcage. 

‘What bad taste…..’

The dress code for the party was Vegas gold. 

There was a boy wearing an angel costume made out of gold. 

He was the playable character 

< Identify information>

[Name] Saeum of April

[TITLE] Last lineage of the royal family’s messengers

[[BELIEF] None


[CONDITION] Sealed for sale applied – those sealed are preconditioned to level 1

[Overall skill] Lv.1


Messenger Lv.1

Flying Lv.1

Mastery of wind Lv.1


Last lineage of the royal family’s messengers

The last king of the royal lineage had said “Even though the saying goes that people’s ranks are decided from birth for me all are of the same rank to me”

The king had dissolved the rule of slavery for 66 thousand slaves and liberated his messenger who had no name or identity. 

The messenger had been born in April so was named with the last name “April.’

He, Saeum of April,  who had been in the shadows in no name or identity served to deliver the ‘words of the king that should not have been recorded in history.’ 

Those of the April lineage had the ability to display the power of what had only been heard as a myth since the collision of the world. 

The known abilities of the messengers were ‘messenger skills’, ‘flying’, and ‘mastery of wind’.

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