Chapter 93

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Translator: Jimin Beom 
Editor: NovelMultiverse

After completing training session with the Phantom of the Red Wall.

Jun-yeoul, who came out of the off-limits area without being caught by the recording device, was joyous inside because his mentor had praised him.

‘Today was better than last time. Image training worked.’

It was a very brief moment, but the flame generated by the Phantom of the Red wall almost moved according to his own psychic wave.

The Phantom of the Red Wall sensed that and complimented him, which made him feel very proud.

‘It’ll take more stamina and mental strength, but I could’ve succeeded if I had more time.’

Jun-yeoul asked his mentor for more lessons, but his mentor, the Phantom of the Red Wall, did not approve.

Chess was strategy fights, but as his mentor said it, if you don’t have enough stamina, you’ll lose concentration and make mistakes.

‘My mentor may be familiar with chess.’

Even if it is a closed area, the off-limits zone is still in Eun-kwang school grounds.

So, it was likely that the Phantom of the Red Wall was someone registered in the defense barrier of the school.

Someone who belongs to Eun-kwang High, and knows well about chess.

More clues about the mentor’s identity.

‘Staff and students of Eun-kwang High are allowed to participate in the chess tournament hosted by Stalemate. Maybe mentor is participating, too. Even if he doesn’t, he seemed interested in chess, so he might come as an audience.’

If so, the Phantom of the Red Wall may appear in the tournament hall on the day of the chess tournament.

‘More reason to play with all my might!’

Jun-yeoul laughed at the thought.

“Jun-yeoul, you’re late.”

Jun-yeoul’s thoughts were interrupted by Je-gun Yong’s voice.

“Mr. Je-gun Yong, did you wait for me?”

“I heard that Jin-Seung picked on you today. And also that he picked on your Achilles’ heel, or ‘Dragons’ weakest scale’, that fool.”

*The dragon’s weakest scale, or Yunglin, is a bit different from Achilles’ heel. They both mean ‘weakness’, but when someone messes with a dragon’s weakest scale, it will anger the dragon and it will try to kill you. So Achilles’ heel is just a weakness, but Yunglin is dangerous for both sides- the dragon and the intruder.

Jun-yeoul Yeom’s weakest scale was his other name, ‘Little Red Dragon.’

There were some kids who called him by his other name just to trigger the usually well-behaved Jun-yeoul.

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