
So…… the huge amount of pretzels they’re eating now were a snack, not a meal.

*    *    *

On the outskirts of Gyeonggi-do.

We arrived at Tanrae Middle school after an hour, even on the air taxi.

“It’s like a movie set!”

Suhyuk exclaimed at the dingy, old building.

Even considering that the school was a public school, this was severely deteriorated.

Jinsu Middle School, where I went to school once, was also deteriorated, but this was way worse.

‘Did they embezzle the money from the Education Department or something? This place is a wreck.’

Hyo-don glumly looked at the half-rusty school gate.

Just then, when he was looking at the gate, Hyo-don suddenly yelled furiously.

“What the fuck! What is that?”

The end of Hyo don’s gaze was two placards.

Hanging proudly.

[Congratulations] [Acceptance into] Eun-kwang High School Hyo-don Maeng

-Tanrae Middle School-

[Tribute to] Our proud son of Tanrae Middle School, Hyo-don Maeng! Congratulations on your acceptance into Eun-kwang High School! [Congratulations]

– General Alumni Association and Parent’s Association of Tanrae Middle School―

The placard highlighted the words “Eun-kwang High School” rather than Hyo-don’s name.

The letters of Eun-kwang High were large, bold, and colorful.

‘It’s not even from the student council, it’s from the school, general alumni association, and parent’s association.’

I recalled the harrowing experiences of junior high school from Hyo-don’s past recollections of the game.

Those who said horrible things to Hyo-don were not only teachers.

There were parents from the parent’s association, too, who picked on Hyo-don but got what they deserved in the end, thankfully.

“Those bastards.”

Hyo-don looked at the placard and gritted his teeth.

‘It’s not even high school entrance season right now. They’ve treated him like trash, but uses his name for publicity until May?

They probably didn’t even know Hyo-don was sold off to a fighting club.

Suhyuk, who had been observing the placards and Hyo-don’s reaction, asked something.

“Was this done without your consent?”


They knew Hyo-don wouldn’t agree, so they did this behind his back.

If you disclose personal information without their consent, even if they are a graduate, it violates the Personal Information Protection act.

“Let’s make them take that down.”

I started my device.

“Ui-shin, where are you calling?”

“Players Association. These guys are ‘bastards’ who did this without consent. I thought it would be useless to tell them directly.”

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