୨⎯ 19⎯ ୧

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Why didn't he tell me?

I wiped my tears away and tried to stay calm but it was impossible.

Suddenly I heard the window glass break. Pieces of glass flew across the room but that wasn't important. The important thing was that Zack was standing outside the window with a brand new scythe.

"Zack! I-I thought you're going to die! You were in prison, weren't you?"

"Well, you see, I decided to leave" he smirked and held his hand out for me to reach for it "Come on now! The cops will be here any second"

I took his hand and climbed out of the window. We ran as fast as we could to get as far as we could from that place. I noticed two dead guards in front of the psych ward gate, but I could care less.

When we were far enough we stopped running and just walked.

"So, where are we going now?" I asked.

"You're asking me?" Zack raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, right. We could stay at my house" I suggested.

"You've got a whole ass house?!" he seemed to be surprised by that.

"And a car" I smiled.

"Then let's fucking go!" he exclaimed.

As we walked I heard police sirens in the distance. They weren't getting any closer though. After 30 minutes of walking we finally arrived there.

"So, this is your house, huh?"


"Where's the car?"

Fuck. I forgot.

"Uh... I forgot it near a river down the street"

"Then you better get it soon"

"Of course! Don't worry!" I assured him.

I'm sure someone saw it alresdy. I have no idea how long have I been away. If someome from the neighborhood saw the car, it's no good for us.

"I'm tired" Zack yawned "Where do I sleep?"

I quickly looked around "You can sleep on the couch"

"No way! I saw a room upstairs with a fucking bed"

"That's my room and I have some... things in it. You can't stay there"

"Oh, and what things?" he smirked at me. My cheeks were red again.

"Really important things!"

"Huh? Like some girls only things?" he was still smirking.

"No, you pervert! I've got things like knives and I wanna sleep there because it's my room and you can't because I'll sleep there!"

"Fine, jeez" he gave up "but if you lived here with someone as you mentioned in the building that means there must be another room"

Now we were standing in front of the door to my father's bedroom.

"It's locked" I stated.

"Locked isn't a word for me" he said and raised his scythe. The next second the doors were broken so we could walk in.

There was a huge bed in the middle facing a mirror on the whole wall. The walls were white and the carpet was brownish white.

"Haha! Enjoy sleeping in your room idiot!" Zack started laughing.

"Unfair" I muttered as I walked back to my room.

I changed to pyjamas and went to bed. I was too tired to wash myself or brush my teeth.

"GOODNIGHT, ZACK!" I yelled from my room.

"GOODNIGHT IDIOT!" he yelled back.

I fell asleep.

On the next day I woke up really early. I took some clothes and hopped in the shower. Afterwards I decided to wear a push up bra, kinda revealing black crop top, miniskirt and a oversized black hoodie.

I have to work on myself to impress himself somehow. And after all he's a man.

I was staring at myself in the mirror.

Honestly I would date myself. What's his problem?

I walked downstairs with the idea of making Zack breakfast to surprise him.

He was already there, trying to turn on the TV.

"Good morning!" I greeted him with a smile.

His eyes landed on my chest. How unexpected. When he realised that he was staring he quickly turned away. He was blushing like crazy.

"Hey, how do you turn this on?" he pointed at the TV.

I pressed the button and it turned on.

Oh. News!

"The infamous serial killer Isaac Foster escaped the prison last night and kidnapped known Y/n L/n from a psych ward . We don't know if she's alive or not. We have to hope. If you've seen Y/n or Isaac contact the police immediately. Stay safe-" I changed the channel.

"Oh my goodness! You kidnapped me" I started laughing, mocking the reporter.

"Huh? What's so funny about it. We're wanted criminals!"

"You're a wanted criminal, not me" I corrected him "Nobody knows what did I do, yet. But you're totally right! Sooner or later the cops will come here so we should change locations because if they come here they'll look around and find a fucking rotting corpse of my dead father in the river! They might not be able identify him but he's missing so they might find out"

"To much talking!" Zack said.

"I'm trying to explain how it is"

"Fine, I get it. Us, here, not good. You're dad, dead, not good. Us, leave, good"

"That's how I'll explain it to an idiot but yeah"

He sat down on the couch.

"We should leave in the night" I suggested.

"Whatever you say" he grinned.

"What are you ginning for?" I questioned with a smile on my face.

"I wanna kill you so bad~"

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