Sakura turns to me and looks at me weirdly. "You just found out? I thought it was obvious." she tells me, and Sasuke smirks. "I get it, okay, I'm the only one who didn't notice." I roll my eyes at both of them. "Wait, you moved in with Naruto? I thought it wasn't official yet." Itachi is an angel. "Thank you!" I exclaim, "See! Itachi gets it!" I tell them, but Sasuke is still smirking, and Sakura is smiling.

I look at Itachi and find him smiling as well. "Sorry, I'm just kidding. It was pretty clear to me as well." he laughs softly, and I flop my forehead on the side of his mattress."You guys are all mean! And I told you to drop it!" I point my finger at Sasuke.

Sakura stayed around for a couple of minutes before going back to her work. As much as she wanted to join us tonight, she said it might be hard for her to finish early and for us to just go in case she doesn't make it. 

I wanted her to come the most since I wanted her to get closer to Sasuke and melt the ice around his heart that was stopping him from approaching her.

Naruto's test takes a lot longer than expected, so I assume Tsunade has him doing other things as well since she already got him in her grasp. I excuse myself from Itachi and Sasuke to check on Kakashi and see how his first night with Obito was.

"It was great; the bed was very comfortable." Obito says as he stands in the corner of Kakashi's office. Apparently, the best way to keep Obito out of the public's eye for now and keep him active is to make him help Kakashi out in his office. "You guys slept in the same bed?" I ask, shocked. "Kakashi, I didn't know-"

"And you still don't know anything. I slept on the futon on the floor." he glares at me. "Just kidding, relax." Obito and I laugh at Kakashi's tired look. "I can't handle the both of you at the same time. So, what are you really here for?" he asks me. "Nothing, I just thought I'd check in on our third Uchiha. Naruto is still not done, and I'm bored." I shrug and try to see what Kakashi is working on.

"This is not a hangout area, (Y/N). Wait for Naruto somewhere different, or else I'll have you babysit Obito." he threatens me. Obito and I look at each other and then back at Kakashi. "Ya right, then you'll be bored if your precious best friend is taken from you. I'll just leave." I smirk, and Kakashi attempts to throw something at me, but I escape on time.

I don't know why he insists on hiding the fact that he is happy to have Obito back in his life and spending time with him. 

When I get back to Itachi's room, since I had nowhere else to go and didn't want to leave the hospital without Naruto, Itachi is asleep. Sasuke was still sitting in his place but reading a book this time. Wonder where he got that from?

"Kakashi kicked you out?" he smirks. I scoff and nod, "He said his office is not a hangout area." Sasuke just nods to that and gets back to reading. I fiddle with my fingers for a while, with nothing to do and Sasuke reading on his own; my thoughts ran all over the place.

This could be a perfect time. Itachi is asleep; Naruto is not here. It's just Sasuke and me. It shouldn't go too badly.

"So." I start, and Sasuke closes his book, and a sigh escapes as his eyes shut. "I knew it." he says. "What? I didn't say anything yet." I defend myself. "You have that look in your eyes that says you want to talk about something, and you're fiddling with your fingers. You've reached your limit." he reads me like an open book.

"Okay, not true. I haven't reached my limit yet; I can still hold off. I just thought with us two being alone now; you won't mind answering me truthfully." I give him a look, and he knows I read him just as well. "What do you want?" he asks. 

I smile and sit on the edge of the chair. "Very simple. What's going on between you and Sakura?" I ask, and he grimaces. "Nothing. Satisfied?" he closes the subject. At least he tries. "Nu-uh! That's obviously a lie. I didn't ask you for you to shut me out." I tell him, and he sighs for the millionth time.

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