Chapter 8

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I stir in my sleep when I feel light touches all over my body. Something soft was touching my cheeks, eyelids, lips, and my neck. I mumble something that makes no sense before I hear a chuckle. "Mmm, what are you doing?" I ask Naruto, who I was sure was the one leaving kisses all over me.

"I'm waking you up. Come on, we can't sleep all day." he tells me, but I'm very tempted to do just that. I pull him back down on his back and rest my head on his chest. "Just a few more minutes; I want to enjoy being in your arms just a bit more." I lure him in as I snuggle my head. "You're cheating. You know I love it when you act cute like that." he laughs, and I shrug.

I start drawing circles on his chest as we enjoy the quietness of the room. He's playing with my hair, and if it weren't for the thoughts in my head, I would have fallen back asleep. "Hey, Naruto?" I start. "Hm, ready to share?" he asks with smugness in his voice, proud that he was able to know I've been thinking. I chuckle, "So, this Madara guy declared war on the world. He's also been collecting the Jinchūrikis, and I think he told me that he will come after you." I share.

"I won't go down that easily. I promised that we would stay together till the end, remember?" he wraps his arms around me and tries to comfort me. "I'm just worried I might not be strong enough to protect you." I confess. He lifts my head, and we look into each other's eyes. "I told you before, I'll become even stronger so you won't have to protect me." he smiles, but I didn't. "(Y/N), we aren't alone. A lot of people are on our side; I'm sure we have the advantage against Madara." he tries again.

"I just don't want to lose you." I rest my head in the crook of his neck. "You know I would do anything to ensure your safety, right? Even if you might not agree with it or don't want me to do it. I would do anything to keep you safe." I tell him, and he heaves a sigh. "I know you would. As much as I wouldn't want you to do something crazy for me, I know I won't be able to stop you." he nuzzles his nose in my hair and kisses the side of my neck. "But, I would do the same for you, and you can't stop me either." I chuckle at that and plant a chaste kiss on his lips. "Then, let's just make sure that no matter what we need to do, we keep the promise to see the future together." I tell him as he smiles and kisses me again.

"How about later on we go get some Ichiraku for lunch?" he suggested, and of course, I said yes. "I want to check on Tsunade and Jiraiya; I need to tell him that I'm back and that things worked out." I get out of bed and put on my gear. "So that's who you told! I was wondering why we didn't get too many hateful looks." he laughs as he gets ready as well. I smirk and shrug, "I'm telling you, I think things through, Sunshine." he raises an eyebrow while looking at me. "Most of the time, I think them through most of the time." I continue, and he laughs as we head out.

The walk through the village was a lot smoother than I expected. I didn't think that Jiraiya would have such a big effect on the people. "Hey (Y/N), I'm glad you're okay. To think they would blame you for something so unbelievable." a citizen says as we were walking. "R-Right, thank you." I still wasn't used to them being so friendly to me. "I don't even recognize you when you talk to the villagers." Naruto laughs. "Sorry, okay! I still find it weird."

We get to Tsunade's tent, and before we enter, we hear a shout. We look at each other and storm inside. "What's wrong?!" Naruto says, but it was only Jiraiya that was crying his eyes out as he was holding Tsunade. Wait...

"Tsunade-Sama! You're awake!" I cheer and run to her. It seems like she just woke up and was still trying to figure things out. "Can someone get this baby away from you?" she groans as Jiraiya continues to cry and tell her how worried he was. "Tsunade-Baachan, I'm happy you're awake and okay. We were really worried about you there for a minute." Naruto says as he goes in for a hug with Jiraiya.

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