"Oh!" A breathy voice vibrates through her chest.

He smiles lightly. Holding the goblet which he was filling with the liquor earlier, and passes towards the Princess. She looks at it but doesn't touch. He noticed.

"Won't you join me? It's our first night together, " he cocks his head to the side. She stands from the place she's seated and walks away leaving the Prince perplexed. Did she leave? To sleep? Without a word? He thought to himself. He blinks and sips the liquor from his goblet. He draws it again closer to his lips to take another much needed fluid in, to loosen himself a bit. The night isn't easy, he knew. Before he could make any judgmental note in his mind about the female as a 'rude person', thankfully she returns with an another bottle of wine in her grasp. Yoongi crosses his arms across his chest, an air full, inaudible chuckle escape his gape. He clears his throat immediately when the lady stares straight at him. He watches her take her previous spot. A firm smile curves the sides of his lips.

"I was told to hand this to you. It's straight from our exclusive collections of the finest wines, your highness, " Nari hands the bottle to the Prince. He looks at her long face.

"Thank you, your highness! I've heard about the expensive taste but now I can try it myself, " he replies. His eyes fixated at the bottle when he points at the drink. The Princess jolts her head towards him. "Highness?" Her mind disagree her audibles.

Her saucers like eyeballs urge Yoongi to explain his choice of reference, to call her as 'highness' than 'Princess' or calling her by 'her name', itself.

"You don't have to call me as 'your highness', your highness. Y-You may call me by my name: Nari; if you don't know, " the Princess exclaims.

The Prince gazes her, " Then you can call me by my name too!" He doesn't smile this time. The itchy sensation returns in the Princess's throat. She doesn't hold back.

"I refer to you as 'your highness' is not because I take your position in preference but because we are not that close. I barely know anything about you! A-A-And..." She trails off.

"And?" The Prince rests his back supported by the chair-head and crossing his arms over his chest, he urges her to complete her sentence. He sees where this will lead to but he needs to let her talk and show her anger. If they want to live in this relationship professionally, she must cry, yell, shout at him, threaten him and try to make him break up with his mistress.

"She'll..." he thinks to himself. She'll surely bring up his meet with Yuna.

"And to-today many things happened. I'm really not in a mood to hold a conversation, but only for, not to upset you, let's finish our drinks and head to sleep," she sighs heavily, showing her whole exhausted self. She rolled her tongue effortlessly to another topic.

"She didn't...?"

"Of course...I'll not."

"So, we'll talk tomorrow-"

"Next time!" She blurts out and takes the goblet, drinking it all in one-go, she places it on the wooden table with a clink sound. Her movements were still elegant. She bites her lip, but the scene seems delightful to Yoongi. He observes her careful gestures. Her robe, fluttering, every now and then with her movements. Unconsciously replaying her moving in her attire around the room, he thinks. "This is how the Royal females must behave..."

The male watches her drink, while drinking himself. He offers her another shot, which she hesitantly accepts for the sake of him insisting. She drinks it again in one go and doesn't react much. The Prince's eyes glints. He sits back and takes small sips from his goblet and tastes the Gwacheon's most excellent booze.

The Princess's heart hammering in her chest. A nostalgic feeling envelops her cold gaze, something that should be unfamiliar yet is familiar, gives her a déjà vu. The taste of the alcohol of Daegu...

She stares at the figure sitting right infront of her and clenches her jaws. She huffs and fills her goblet. The Prince anticipates her to drink it in the same way: in one go. But, instead, she places the goblet down and picks the bottle up; the Princess chugs it in, all. The male's amusement wasn't hidden as his wide eyes and raised brows shouted it. However, when she's done, she picks up the goblet she placed down and opposite to what she did earlier, she sips from it. Ever so delicately.

Yoongi chuckles. The Princess looks at him confused. "Pardon me. But, you seem to able to hold liquor quite well. Do they drink a lot in Gwacheon?"

Nari doesn't speak anything. Instead, bites her lips harder, her expressions hard as before. Anyhow, Yoongi observes her. Her lips tinted scarlet, a colour of lip tint applied to beautify her look.

"Do you miss your mistress?" She questions, drawing the Prince's attention to her words.

"Mistress? Oh, Yuna?" The Princess stares back in anticipation. Perplexed to why would she ask about her, he still answers her. Not immediately, but after acknowledging her fixated orbs, again on the ground.

"No. Not at the moment. " he narrows his eyes when he watches her take out her little knife and placing it on the table, besides her emptied goblet. "But...why do you ask?" She smiles. The smile doesn't hold a relief but he doesn't know why is it plastered on her features when her eyes are diverted somewhere else.

"You know that I'll never love you, don't you?" Nari whispers but he heard it well. He stares at her and hummed in agreement, nonchalantly.

"None could. None does." But...only she did, she does and maybe she always will. My Yuna. A painful smile creeps its way to his lips, curving them in a sadistic manner. He's used to the negligence, unwanted hate, people talking at his back, gossiping about his ugly scar. It all makes him feel unwanted, undeserving of love, outcasted. But because of him being the only son of Min Kyung, he's the crown Prince, even if many didn't like the idea of following a king with scar, they have to. Because of the terror Kyung had inflicted in every individual in the country. But atleast she confessed truthfully, before him. He apparently appreciates her for that. She's straight forward and blunt with criticism, he takes mental notes on her personality traits. It'll sure serve him as a helpful information when dealing with her on daily bases.

He never thought that he would be appreciated by anyone after the death of the Queen. But, he was so wrong! Memories of the time spent with Yuna floods as the smile on his face gradually draws its territory wider and wider. Until, it becomes a wide foolish grin. He isn't aware of his actions or the Princess staring at him from past few minutes, when a giggle escaped his mouth.

"You seem so happy... The Crown Prince of Daegu, the only son of Kyung, seems so so happy in his life." Nari doesn't register when her stare turned to glare and when her breathing became heavier.

Snapping his head towards her, he realises by the scowl on her face. "She's...angry. "

"I think-" they speak at the same time.
"I think-" Again.

"Shut up." The Princess blurts out while trying to stabilize her syllables. Yoongi looks at her bewildered."To the bed, now!" She says now much calmly.

"Princess-" he's cut off by her standing up from the table and heading towards the bed.

Hey, there!
Sorry for late update, I wasn't well but now I'm.
I was thinking, if you like long updates or short (episodes)
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