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My name is Susanna, and I am really thankful to you for clicking on my story. I am glad you are giving this story of mine a chance, it means a lot to me.


All rights are reserved. This story is completely mine, except for the pictures I used to introduce the characters. This story is totally my imagination. It has nothing to do with Jungkook's real life and I know that you know that very well.

POV aka Point of View

This story is written in multiple POVs, or you can also say in the first person's POV which means in Jungkook and the girl's POV. Well, to know in who's POV, the chapter is written, you must read the story online because only then you will be able to see the pictures I have made with hard work and uploaded in it. And if you read the chapter offline, then you will never get to know that in who's POV the chapter is written, and you will be hella confused


English is not my first language so you might find some mistakes in this story... maybe. But I will try my best not to make any mistakes (at least not silly mistakes). But still, if you see any mistake or you feel that there is a mistake, then feel free to tell me in the inbox. I will be really grateful to you if you do so.

Votes & comments

Do vote whenever you read a chapter (aka story part) if you liked it because it motivates me to upload a new chapter faster. And do spam me with your thoughts in the comment section too. The more support and motivation, the more I will become better (which indirectly means that the story will become better).


Do follow my account to get the notification whenever I will publish a new book and to get notification of this story's updates, then do add my story to your library.

Social Media

I have an account on Instagram with the same name, Novelist Susanna. Make sure you follow me there as well to get notifications of my upcoming stories and to see the aesthetics I made for every single story of mine.

 Make sure you follow me there as well to get notifications of my upcoming stories and to see the aesthetics I made for every single story of mine

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Jeon Jungkook

We don't need an introduction to JK as we all know him very well

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We don't need an introduction to JK as we all know him very well.

Well, in this story, he is as famous as he is in real life but a simple guy inside with a simple wish to spend his life with his hyungs, family, and love.

Mun Sena

Well, we need an introduction to Mun Sena, our lead female role.

*Just thought to give her a name rather than using Y/N. Well, you can take it as if you are in her place as I will be using I and You (depending on whose POV it is and other certain things) for her. But maybe in some places, I might use the name "Sena"*

Mun Sena is a middle-class girl. Her parents died when she was seventeen years old. She has a younger sister to take care of. She works really hard to fulfil her sister's needs. Both Sena and her sister are die-heart fans of BTS but because she is a middle-class girl, she thinks that she will never be able to meet or even see BTS in person.

Well, that is all for the introduction.

~ Susanna

~ Susanna

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