This is all your fault.
If only you'd been there.
You could've protected them.

"Sprig was right. I don't know what I'm doing. If only he were here with me..." Anne ranted to herself. Jean rested her head on her knees, looking down at the ground sadly.
Hearing Anne let out a gasp, the human looked up, finding the younger teen on the ground as she looked up at something, shocked. She hurriedly got to her feet. "Anne! What is it?!" She asks frantically.
Anne points to thin air. "Sprig?! Holy cow, are you dead? Is this your ghost? Jean are you seeing this too?!"
Jean looked up in the direction she was pointing. There was no Sprig there. She turns back to Anne, concerned. "Anne? Are you okay?"
Anne glances to Jean, then back to nothing. "Oh, she can't see you? It's only me? Oh, I get it. I've finally snapped, haven't I?" She asks the supposed nothing. Jean helps the young teen to her feet. "Anne, I think you need to lay down-" she starts, but the younger teen cuts her off. "No time for chit-chat, we need to find the Plantars and Floss."
With that, she moved toward the paths, continuing to talk to herself. Jean was watching her, now starting to freak out. Being in Amphibia must've taken a huge toll on Anne.
Anne bent to the ground and, after a moments hesitation, put dirt in her mouth. She gags, seeming to be arguing with someone, before realising something. Placing more dirt in her mouth, she starts to chew.
Jean walks toward her. "Oh-ho-kay, Anne. You can spit that out now..." she chuckled awkwardly, Anne ignored her, humming in thought.
"Anne, spit out the dirt." She says more sternly. Anne swallows, leaving Jean disgusted. "ANNE!"
Anne gasps loudly, pointing down one of the paths. "Polly's biscuits! Which means it's this way!" She claims, running in that direction.
The older teen was left behind, confused. "Wha-how-"

Not even I understand.

(inspired by @Tomotasauce from Youtube. You gotta watch his videos, they're awesome.)


Anne runs through the forest, Jean not too far behind. The younger girl attempts to swing from a vine, but ultimately fails, falling to the forest floor. Jean, catching up to her, looks down at her concerned. "You okay?"
Anne held up a shaky thumbs up. "Yep. I'm okay."


The two humans climb up a cliff, thankfully not slipping. But as they ran across a log, it caved underneath them, causing them to fall. They scream as they fall into the stream below them.


Anne and Jean kneel beside the footprint of the same monster they were chasing. Jean chuckles. "Well dang, I'm impressed Anne."
Anne grins, striking a pose, before she turns to nothing with a scowl. "You really need to stop that." She states.
Even though Jean didn't hear anything, she suddenly felt like there was an emptiness in the air.
"Who ARE you talking to?"


Arriving at the monsters lair, the two humans peek through some bushes. They gasp at the sight of many toad skeletons scattered throughout the place. Swaying in the wind, some still had flesh sticking to them. Jean gags. "This has to be the right place."
At that moment, the monster arrives, bringing the Plantars and Flossie with him. Placing them on the ground, he pins the terrified amphibians down with his claws.
"What the heck is that thing anyway?" Anne asks. Jean shakes her head. "No idea." She states.

Scorpileo. Half scorpion, half lion.

"Scorpileo? That's one messed-up horoscope." Anne says out of the blue. Jean gives her a confused glance. Did Anne just read her mind? Even if she did, how did SHE know what it was?
"Okay, we don't have much time. Think. What was step two?" Anne asks herself, hiding in the bushes once again. Jean allowed her to do her own-very concerning-thing. She was going to make sure the younger teen had a nap afterwards.
"Use your environment!" Anne exclaims. "C'mon Jean! Help me!" The older teen looks back to Anne, who was digging. She joins her. "So, what are we doing?" She asks. Anne grins. "Setting a trap!"

The monster growls at the amphibians, towering over them and preparing to feast. Jean starts to dig faster. "Come on! We can do this! We can still save them!"
Once the two were finished, Anne throws leaves over the hole. Jean wipes sweat from her brow. "Alright, what do we do now?"
Anne groans, running toward the bushes. "Okay, just this once. Because I like you guys. A lot. Jean, hide in those bushes." She orders. Jean does so, still confused about the first part of that sentence.
Diving into the bushes, Jean watches Anne and the monster.

The monster growls, licking Polly. The pollywog whimpers, as the Scorpileo raises its tail ready to strike the young frog.
"Hey, furball!"
The monster pauses, turning to the human standing out in the open. With a deep breath, Anne starts to dance. Small, awkward steps, as she tries to get the Scorpileo's attention. The monster ignores her, turning back to its snack. Anne starts to freak out. "It's not working!"
Jean, watching everything unfold, feels panic set in. "Oh no, no, no, no, no! It isn't working!"

Wait...I know this...

Jean looks around, confused. Was that her?
Before she could think more of it, Jean spots Anne making bizarre movements. She's speechless as she watches the brunette. "Whaaaat is she doing?"

...Leif's dance?

Whatever Anne was doing, it had caught the monsters attention. It watches, entranced, as Anne continues her hunting dance. It lets go of the amphibians, approaching the dancing human.
Anne kicks dirt into the monsters eyes, aggravating it. With a growl, it pounces at the human, but Anne bends down as part of her dance. It causes the monster to go head first and fall into the hole that the two humans dug out.
Jean rushed out of the bushes relieved. Shaking, but relieved. "Oh my frog! Anne, you did it!" She yells, shaking Anne out of her dancing trance. Anne looks around. "Wait, I did?"
She looks down at the hole, seeing the monster struggling to escape. "Whoo-hoo! I did it! Danced in your face!"
Jean follows her gaze, realising the monster was almost out. "Uh oh, gotta go!" She yells, grabbing Anne's hand and running away. The Plantars follow her lead.

The frog family and their companions reach the camp by morning. All were complimenting Anne on her hunting dance. "You did it, Anne!"
"That was incredible! I've never seen a sacred hunting dance before, and you nailed it first try!"
"It was the best hunter's dance I've seen!"
Anne was in a daze. "I did, didn't I? I heard the music, Sprig. I felt one with nature. You were right. And so were you, buddy." She says, looking at the air.
Jean chuckles. "O-kay, time for your nap, missy." She states, guiding Anne to the fwagon. Flossie and the Plantars share a confused look. "Who's she talking to?"


Making sure Anne was fast asleep and she was completely alone, Jean let out a quiet groan. "This was all my fault. If only I'd gone back with Floss, I could've protected them. Not only that, but I didn't even HELP save them. Anne had done that..."
Letting out a sigh, she rests her forehead on her knees.

"I could've done more...


I NEED to do more.

I'll make sure nothing like that happens again. I won't let my guard down this time."


Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest, a robotic frog is seen bumping into the same tree several times. Realising what it was doing, it moves around the tree, only to clumsily bump into another.


Don't worry, Soul. My time will come....eventually.



A/N: Sounds like someone's trying to mess with Jean's mental health. Wonder why.
Anyway I might skip Truck Stop Polly because I have no idea what to do with it. Neither Jean OR Flossie could stay with Polly, they'd definitely be noticed missing. And I don't know what they'd do that'd be relevant to the plot lol.
(Ngl I think this is one of the worst chapters I've written lol)
Scorpio+Leo= Scorpileo. I wonder if Sasha is a Scorpio lol, since apparently Anne's a Leo. 

Amphibia x Oc: Soul Sisters (Season 1 & 2)Where stories live. Discover now