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**Ollies Point Of View**

I put on some jeans after having a nice and refreshing shower then I rummage around in my duffle bag for some clean boxers and tee, Toby left me a key and £5 to go and get some milk, tea and crumpets. Crumpets sounded good to me.

The cool air from outside shocked me a little, it was warm but not enough just to wear a tee and shorts. I wonder how Toby was coping about Noah leaving... I guess he's taking it hard.
I walk to the shop through the lanes, Toby had given me a fiver which was enough for milk,crumpets and tea but I wanted to buy him something, something to cheer him up. A galaxy slab! It's in the price range and it's perfect! Once I had gathered everything, including Toby's chocolate, i walked to the counter to pay, £4.37. Things were cheap these days.

I walk back home, bag in tow, with my hood up and head down. it was mainly to avoid the sun and not to look like a teenage chav who got excluded from school. But whatever.
My phone rings and I pick it out of my pocket
"Hello?" I say holding it to my ear

"So, Noahs leaving" Adam replies

"I've heard" I say

"D'you think you could come down and give me a hand packing his clothes?" He asks

"Sure, I'll be down in a bit" I say laughing.

"Thanks Ollie, see you soon" he laughs back

I walk a little faster to Toby's so that I could go down and help Adam out with Noah's stuff. It was going to be fun, just me and Adam. Might steal a couple of Noah's tees, for remembrance of course!?

**Tobys Point Of View**

You never really notice how much you're going to miss someone until they're well and truly gone.

"Toby, I remember in year 8 when I first joined, you and Noah took a specific disliking to me. You would piss me off every single lesson without fail, Noah would end up being longstopped and you'd end up in a detention. Then in about Y10 you warmed up to me, decided that I wasn't as much as a dick as everyone thinks I am and now look at us" he replies nudging my shoulder "talking about this because we're just hanging out"

"What's your point?" I ask

"I don't really have one" he replies

I laugh which makes him smile it wasn't fair that Noah was leaving but I was glad he had found a family. It's all he ever wanted.

"Toby, what's your next lesson?" Mr. Thomas asks

"I don't know, probably English or maths" I mumble

"I can find out if you want" he says getting up

"Could you?" I say getting up too

We walk into the gym together, Mr. Taylor was in the middle of teaching a pe lesson; it looked like volleyball or something.

"Maths, Mr. Owen" Mr. Thomas says taking me by surprise.

"Woo..." I say sarcastically

"You alright to go?" he asks

"Yeah, should be." I reply

"I'll let you get to it then" he says smiling at me "I'll catch you later"

"Sir," I say after going to walking out but instead I turn around and look at him "thank you"

"For what?" He asks

"Most people would have just told me to 'man up'" I reply

"The phrase 'man up' is ridiculous. I mean, you wouldn't tell a woman to 'woman up' would you?" He states

"Why did I ever hate you?" I joke

"Lessooooon!" He says watching me walk out

I walk down and into the school building it was quite with no one around. Maths, let's go to maths. I walk down the stairs and go into the bathroom, in the mirror I check to see if it's possible to tell I've been crying; it's not thank god.

"You're a little early Toby" Mr. Owen says opening his door as I walk towards it.

"I'm just excited for polygons and algebra" I joke, my voice was tired and sad.

"Well, if you want you can hand out the books for me" he suggests

I walk in and get everyone's book from the back cupboard then place them where the owner sits. Thankfully Charlie and I sat next to each other otherwise I don't think I would be able to get through this lesson.


Everyone starts walking in and taking their seats, Charlie looks at me before sitting down and straight away, she knows.

"You've been crying!" She whispers "what happened little man?"

"I'm going to miss Noah so much" I whisper back "I've known him since Y7, we did everything together."

"Toby, Toby" she says softly whilst putting her arm around me "it's going to be okay. If anyone fucks you up, I'll have great pleasure to fuck them up."

"Charlie, Shhhh" Mr. Owen says as he starts the register.

I sit in silence for the majority of the lesson, it's get half way done before anything exciting happens really.

There's a knock on the door, it opens and reveals Taylor Maddens,

"Hey Sir, may I borrow both Charlie and Toby?" She pleads

"If you can answer the question on the board" he says

The question read 2x-4=10 I couldn't do it, but I couldn't be bothered too.

"7. x=7" she says after a couple of minutes.

"How'd you get that?" Mr. Owen asks amazed at how she got it so fast.

"You add the four to ten which makes fourteen, then divide fourteen by two which gives you seven. x equals seven." She says smirking at him "Toby and Charlie if you don't mind"

"Yeah. Go for it." he says in amazement

Charlie and I walk out and meet up with Taylor as she leads us towards history.

"Okay, so Noahs leaving school at half one today to get himself ready for the train. so I was wondering, with permission from the school, we could all go to the hostel for our last periods English and I have French to set up a goodbye part for Noah" she explains

"Then why are we walking towards history? Surely we should walk towards Mr. Daniels or Mr. Michael's." I say puzzled

"Because Mr. Chase is Noahs Mentor, thus meaning we could probably get him to go along with it" she says

This was a brilliant idea, I just hoped we we're allowed too.

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