Monday Blues

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**Tobys' Point Of View**

I shift, I've been shifting for a few hours now, I hadn't much sleep at all. I don't know what was wrong, maybe I missed the company of Ollie, maybe I actually had a thing for him. I don't know.

I'm not the one to complain of bad dreams. it's like disease, but without a life. It's all a scene with this great directive. That we're all lost and we're stuck in time. We feel alone in a strange blue ocean and we're all scared as death to die.

Dearest phone, you know how I feel. I roll over but I let the song play, today was going to be a long day and I didn't have the energy for it.

Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt Bzzt - Charlz

Yo! You up yet?

I groan into my pillow and reply to the message.

I don't think I will come in. I feel shit.

I reply, I didn't want to send it but I felt I had too.

Oh, feel well soon, I'll probably text you late dude.

I chuck my phone back on my pillow and try to sleep again. I didn't want to see today, I just wanted to cuddle up to Ollie and eat junk food.

**Taylors Point Of View**

I'm ready a little earlier than usual, I had fun during the weekend with Charlie, Toby and Ollie, I was a shame that Noah couldn't attend but whatever right?

"Tay, theres a strange lad outside the gate in your school uniform and a hoody" Dad says

"Its Noah dad. You can let him in if you want." I shout down the stairs

"A Boy?" He says getting a little interested

"Yeah dad" I shout again

I hear the front door open and followed by a conversation, I just had to get ready. Noah was downstairs hanging out with my dad, i was upstairs getting ready, surely this should be the other way around.

"Noah I'll be down in a minute" I shout

"I'll be here waiting." he shouts up the stairs

I do my hair and come down stairs to see Noah and my dad drinking a cup of tea whilst having a nice old talk like they're best friends.

"Taylor, so nice to see you!" He says looking me up and down

"Dad, do you like Noah?" I say curiously

"He's nice, defiantly boyfriend material." Dad says

"Little do you know" I say

"Oh, are you two...?" dad says almost laughing

"Surprise" I say

"Mr. Maddens" Noah says whilst walking out the door, mine and Noahs' secret was out with my dad and it was out in the entire school. I couldn't wait for today.

8:33am we get into school, it was almost warm outside so we sat in the lanes and talked about stuff. We talked about how we wanted to just skip school and curl up together whilst watching movies but that was completely impossible because he lived in a hostel and my dad was almost home from like 12-2 for his lunch. I still didn't know what he did yet.

"You're late" Mr. Peters says to Noah and I as we walk through the school gates. "Names"

"Noah Austin Sir" He says

"And you?" He says looking at me

"Taylor" I reply "Taylor Maddens"

"Detention at lunchtime" He says whilst writing our names down.

We walk off laughing and make our way into the school, the halls were scattered with kids who had come in late, I didn't want to school today, I just wanted to cuddle Noah whilst watching cliche films.

"We should get to form" He says

"Wait, you want to go to form?" I say shocked

"Nope, but you shan't be any later than usual." He says taking my bag "I'll put it in your locker dear, you get to form"

"I'll see you for our walk to English?" I say

"Don't you forget it" He says walking towards my locker.

I walk towards my form room, I was probably too late to attend but at least I'd get the brownie points for it.

"Maddens, why are you late?" Ms. Kingsley says as I walk in

"Overslept" I reply

"Take your seat" She says spitefully, I was convinced she didn't like me.

I walk over to take my seat and sit down, the bell was 4 minutes away, I didn't want to be here, there was no point. I wonder if Toby was here? Maybe I could ask him about Ollie. Toby was so cute with Ollie, they were so perfect together.

**Tobys' Point Of View**

I hadn't moved at all, I think I shifted a few times before almost falling asleep but then I jolted painfully and woke myself up again. I don't know what had come over me, I think I was Ollie-deprived. I felt like shit and like I just want a hug and to eat junk food. Today wasn't my day. I planned to stay in bed all day watching Netflix and doing nothing more, it was the perfect thing ever.


"Hello?" I say sleepily

"This is Mr. Daniels from Denvil High, I'm concerned where Toby is" He states

"Toby's not feeling well, he hasn't been feeling well at all since saturday night" I say poshly

"Toby, I know its you on the phone. Why aren't you in school?" he demands, my cover is blown.

"Mr Daniels, I'm sorry but I feel like absolute crud." I start

"You sound fine" He exclaims

"I am fine physically but mentally I feel drained. I have no energy and I feel empty" I state

"Is it the school work Toby?" He asks sounding generally concerned

"I'm not sure what it is sir" I reply sounding sad "I'll be in tomorrow"

"Okay Toby, I will see you tomorrow" He says "Bye"

The phone goes dead and I slump back down in my bed. It was nice and warm which made it harder to get out of bed for and get ready. I wanted today to be over, I wanted it to be done with.

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