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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It was raining.

This was a perfect distraction for Riki, who didn't have the energy to deal with the school newspaper meeting which he was currently trapped in.

He found himself more interested in the light taps on the window from where the rain is slowly falling from the cloudy sky. He watches the raindrops race down the window mindlessly, his head slipping out of his hand as he slowly zones out.


He flinches as he hears his name being called, reluctantly opening his eyes to see Heeseung looking and him with an exasperated expression on his face.


"Do you have any ideas for our new article? Because it seems everyone else in here is a bit brain dead today." Heeseung explains as he looks around the group, who all very pointedly avoid eye contact.

"I'm not sure, sorry." Riki mumbles, before turning back to the window tiredly. He hears Heeseung sigh in annoyance, and turns back around to see him tightly clasping his hands.

"I didn't want to have to do the article on this but we have no other ideas." Heeseung starts as he sits down on his chair to face everyone. "A suggestion was put forward by Mr Satoshi that we should do an article on the highest performing students in our school to motivate the rest of the student body before exams."

"That sounds boring." Riki states blankly as he looks straight at Heeseung. Sunghoon elbows Riki lightly in his side and shoots him a small glare to shut him up, to which Riki shrugs in response.

"I'm well aware it's not the most exciting topic but you idiots couldn't think of anything else to write about so suck it up." Heeseung snaps back as he begins to write down on the paper in front of him. "Now, I've decided that Riki, Jay and Sunghoon can take the lead in this article."

The three don't look pleased at this news, but try to hide it from their senior.

"I say interview a student each and find out their revision methods and why academic success is important to them." Heeseung suggests before standing up from his seat. "Okay, meeting over, thank you for your time."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Who cares about the highest performing students anyway? I don't want to do an article just to give them an opportunity to brag about their grades." Riki complains to a very uninterested Jungwon stood next to him, yawning as Riki continues to rant about his predicament.

"Have you found anyone to interview yet?" Jungwon asks, not out of curiosity, but to get Riki to stop blabbing.

However, this question increases Riki's stress levels even more as he groans and hits his head against the wall. "No, I haven't."

Jungwon somewhat pities his friend, despite the fact he finds the whole situation rather amusing.

"One of my friends gets super high grades, I'm pretty sure she's one of the top performers in our year." Jungwon says plainly as he looks at Riki. "Her name is Choi Jia".

"I have literally no idea who that is." Riki mutters tiredly as he runs a hand through his hair and takes a deep breath.

"She's in my class, I'll introduce you to her if you want- although, I don't know how much you're going to get much out of her." Jungwon says, a small smirk appearing on his face.

Riki's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he takes in what Jungwon just told him. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"How do I put it... she's quite difficult to speak to, very blunt, aloof and picky about who she's friends with." Jungwon explains as he crosses his arms.

"I have no interest in being friends with her I just need a quick interview for my article." Riki says, rolling his eyes at Jungwon. Jungwon sniggers before suddenly covering his mouth and looking behind Riki.

Out of curiosity, Riki turns to see a rather stern looking girl walking down the corridor towards them. She was tightly gripping her books against her chest and walked with an incredibly straight posture. The sight of her was rather unnerving.

Riki whipped his head back around to Jungwon as he put the pieces together. "Is that her?" He hisses at Jungwon, to which Jungwon giggles behind his hand.

"I did warn you, she's very serious. Not your kinda person." Jungwon says, before turning to smile at the girl as she stops beside him.

"Hi Jia, how are you?" Jungwon asks very politely, bowing slightly at her.

Riki forces back a smirk at the sight in front of him, seeing Jungwon acting formal and get all nervous around her was quite amusing.

"Ah, I'm okay, thank you for asking" Jia responds quietly as she bows back.

"This is my friend Riki, he's from the school newspaper club." Jungwon explains as she turns to smile innocently at Riki.

Riki quickly bows, shooting a tiny smile at the girl before him. She bows back, her eyes looking at him sharply. "It's nice to meet you." Her nice introduction contrasted greatly to the sour look on her face, but Riki couldn't tell if that was just her normal features or not.

"So, Riki is doing an article for the school newspaper..." Jungwon starts, looking at Riki expectantly for him to continue. He glares at his friend for putting him on the spot before clearing his throat.

"Ah, yes, it's going to be an article on the best performing students at our school. I heard from Jungwon you get good grades in your subjects, so I wondered if you would be interested in a short interview?" Riki says, probably far too quickly, judging from the confused expression on her face.

Riki holds his breath as silence fills the air, the tension apparent as he awaits the girls answer.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested."

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