Conflicted Feelings

Start from the beginning

A small yawn escaped from my mouth and I rubbed at my eyes a bit. I could definitely use a nap. It was too early though and I didn't want to slack off, so instead of making my way to the house I made my way towards camp and started to help out with some of the chores that needed to be done.

After a few hours of cleaning tools and chopping wood, the sun was slowly being consumed by darkness and the moon was now lighting the sky, its glow a sharp contrast to the sky around it.

I always enjoyed this time of night, the way everything settled down and got ready to sleep, it was peaceful and before the outbreak I had always found myself out on the open road. The quietness was comforting and it had felt like I was one of the only few people alive in the world.

It's too bad that now that statement might very well be true with the lack of people that seem to be around these days.

Contrary to what people may believe, I've only thought back to what life was like before the outbreak about a handful of times. I've just been so caught up in trying to stay alive and worrying about my nephew and everyone else, and of course whatever the hell is going on with Maggie, that I haven't had a moment to think about anything else.

It would probably do more harm than good though, you get so caught up in dwelling on the past that you miss the future and all of that bullshit.

I looked down at the knife I was sharpening and held it up to the sky so I could get a better look at it. The moonlight glimmering off of it making it seem like the blade was glowing.

"The hell you doin'?" A gruff country accent asked from behind me making the knife nearly fall out of my hands as I jumped a bit.

"Holy Fuck Daryl, you scared the hell out of me!" I exclaimed as I set the blade down and turned to face him. His lip was turned upwards into a tiny smirk, "Gotta be more alert, could've easily been a damn walker."

I rolled my eyes lightly, though deep down I knew he was right. A walker could have easily stumbled onto the farm and I would have just been its oblivious meal, easy prey for the predator. It's just that the farm felt safe and it was almost like it was stuck in time, a mirage amid all the destruction.

"Found a farmhouse today, someone's been living in it, sleeping in a cupboard, had to have been Sophia," Now that caught my attention.

"How could you be sure?" I question, anyone could have been staying at that farmhouse after all. "Person who was staying there had to have been her size in order to sleep in there." He explained and for the first time in awhile I felt hope bloom in my chest.

"This must mean we're close!" I tell him as I stand up from my seat. He quirks and eyebrow at my, "Cool it there sunshine, gonna alert any walker near here that dinners ready."

This once again causes me to roll my eyes, "I'm sorry but this is Just the best lead we've had...thank you Daryl," I tell him sincerely and he shrugs, clearly not used to the gratitude.

"Don't thank me until we find her, now you should rest up, gotta long day ahead of us," He says before nodding at me and heading off to his tent.

I watch him go, a small smile appearing as the realization that we were close to finding Sophia finally sets in.

Everything was finally looking up.

Push and Pull || Maggie GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now