Surprised Visit - Chapter 7

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A/n: there might be swearing in this chapter so you been warn.

That's all it I have right now.

Love Dhey~

Dhey's pov:
I walk to my house and unlock the door and go inside and lock the door again because I am scared someone is gonna rob me or something like that.

I go to my room and change something fitting at home so I wear mint green shirt and white short and wearing my slippers.

So I have nothing to do I just go play games in my computer and I decided to play roblox.

I was so hungry so I go die and stairs and I check my phone time it is, it was 7:20 PM the boys should be home rigbt now, but might be home late so I just cook dinner myself.

"I hope I not gonna burn this house down" I said to myself.

I think to myself what is easier to cook and I know what it is, Oh my God I make like a Filipino breakfast for dinner but I don't care at least I have something to eat.

I fried the hotdog on the pan and turn on the rice cooker and after a while I am done cooking I start eating is not bad actually, after I finish eating I wash my dishes.

I heard someone knocking the door, I open the door and see who it was, when I open the door it was Tommy wave at me and I wave back.

"Hey Dhey I was wondering can I stay here for a bit my parents are off town right now" Tommy ask.

"I don't know I ask my brother" I replied.

"Oh ok" Tommy said.

I let him in the house because it was cold outside he sits on the couch in the living room, I call my brother, I am over joyed he answers.

"Hey Daryl what do you want I am glad you call" Denis said and called by my real name.

"Hey kuya (Big Brother) the kid who live two houses away and he ask he let him stay because his parents is out of town" I said.

"Yeah sure" Denis said.

"He said yes" I said to Tommy and he nodded.

"bunso (Little sister or it can be little siblings) is it ok they can stay in your room" Denis said.

"OK I don't mind" I said.

"OK good anyways me and the brothers have something for you" Denis said.

"OK then I gonna hang up" I said.

"We might be late be2it starts to rain" Denis said.

"Oh ok" I said.

So I hang up the phone and I look at Tommy and I forgot I didn't wear my mask and my sunglasses he just surprise visit me.

Tommy's pov:
Dhey didn't wear her mask and sunglasses she look younger then her age her face is oval shape and she has around cheeks she is adorable.

She look nervous because she didn't wear her mask and her sunglasses.

I stand up and try to calm her down and luckily she calm down and she goes to the kitchen.

"What are you doing Dhey" I ask.

"Making you dinner" Dhey said.

"No thanks I already ate" I said.

"Oh good becuase I am lazy washing the dishes again" Dhey chuckled.

"So where should I sleep" I ask.

"In my room" Dhey replied.

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