Live Stream With My New Friend - Chapter 2

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George pov:
I woke up I feel good so I get ready so I go to the bathroom I go back to my room and I wear light blue hoodie and black jeans, I go to my to my kitchen to get some breakfast I cook some breakfast, and then I start eating after I finish eating I wash the dishes.

"I gonna check if Smiley is online" I said to myself.

I check discord on my phone and I see she is online that is great I gonna text her if she is ready to stream with me today.

In message

Hey Smiley are you there are you ready for stream today.

Yeah I need to finish break fast real quick.

What do you mean I thoguth is noon for you.

Well I just woke up is noon yes but I always wake up late.

Oh I see.
I wait for you then text me if you are done.

Oh ok then.

Back to reality

I go to my computer and wait for Dhey when she is finish break while I wait I gonna watch more of her video.

Dhey's pov:
I put down my phone and I start eat breakfast with my four brothers I am the middle child but I don't mine the only sister giving a lot attention for some reason but I always been over shadow to my brother I always proff myseld I am better then I better be I always fail, I ignore the negative feeling when I making videos or doing streaming in Twitch with my friends.

"So Denis is auntie Arin coming back home" I said.

"No she gonna be back next 2 weeks you know her job is important right" Denis my oldest brother said.

"I know sometimes I'm worried" I said.

"Don't worry Dhey she'll be fine" Denis said.

"I miss in the Philippines why are move to London" I said.

"Auntie Ariana said is the best for us" Denis said.

"Oh ok then" I said.

"So Dhey who's the person who you called yesterday" Daniel my twin brother and the second oldest ask me.

"Oh is just a friend" I said.

"I saw a the person who you called name George" Denis said.

"Ooooh~ Dhey has a boyfriend" Daniel said and make fun of me.

"Daniel can you just shut up for once" David said the second youngest.

"Yeah you should not make fun of Dhey, she can make friends with a boy too you know" Derrick said the youngest one all of my siblings.

"You guys are always have my back" I said I feel little emotional what my two younger brother had my back.

"Dhey what are you going to do today" Denis said.

"I gonna talk to my new friend and he ask me to colab with him" I said.

I finish my breakfast I didn't tell George I am not living here in London because of my aunt found better job here.

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