Meet My Friend Smiley - Chapter 3

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Dhey and George playing minecraft but George got a message from discord, from his friends to join their call.

"Dhey I got a message from my friends is it ok I join their call for a moment" George said.

"Is fine I can wait just continuing the building" Dhey said.

George left the call and join the call with his friend his wondering why the ask him to join the call.

Dream's pov:
George join the call with us.

"Hey guys" George said.

"We saw your stream" Tommy said.

"Oh really so you know Dhey then" George said.

"Yeah we know" I said calmly.

"You are streaming with Dhey TDG she is friends with Steven Psycho the purple king" Sapnap said.

Sapnap is a fan of Steven Psycho he like to watch some of his mineccratf video but he like watch the most is minecraft try not to laugh with Steven's friends including Dhey.

"Sapnap can you stop fan boying for once" Willbur said.

"Oops sorry" Sapnap said.

"Can we meet her" I said.

"Wait really" George said.

"Yeah" everyone and including me agrees.

"Oh ok then lemme make a group" George said.

"Oh ok" Tommy said.

George creating a group chat in discord I was wondering what Dhey is like when she is off camera I see her as a nice person I hope so how George made friends with her if she is not face I am very positive she is a nice person, I know she didn't show her face she is kinda like me and Ranboo.

"I am done just join the call" I George said and then left the call.

Dhey's pov:
I was waiting for George if his coming back I feel so lonely when I didn't call my friends, I hope he didn't forgot me and having fun without me ugh Dhey you should not think about negative thoughts I was starts to cry but I hear a someone is calling in discord it was George made a group chat with me and his friends I wonder who are they, so I answer the call.

"Hey Dhey sorry it took a while" George said

"I-it's fine" I said there is a sadness in my tone.

"Smiley what's wrong" George ask worried.

"Oh is nothing" I said but there a hint of sadness in my voice.

Dang Dhey great job try to keep your emotions to yourself you need to hide it don't show it I thought to myself I am fine but I am not.

"She is ok" a guys sounds like Dream.

Oh God I calling some of the Dream SMP members nice going Dhey you made them worried too.

"Oh I fine don't get worry about heh" I said feeling nervous.

"Oh ok I think you know me" Dream said.

"And me you think I am not annoying I saw " and I know this person is Tommyinnt.

Why I just talking with people always makes me happy for some reason.

"You sure you are ok you sound sad at the start" Sapnap said.

I need to lie something because if they know I cry when I feel so lo2they might laugh at me.

"Uuh is nothing I was watching something sad" I said hoping they believe me.

"Oh I am glad you are fine" George said.

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