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I woke up to birds chirping and some buzz in the atmosphere; I felt lighter and happier.

I yawned out while stretching my limbs, both of my holes felt sore as hell.

I was about to get out of bed when the door burst open and my mates came with trays in their hands and the smell of food wafted over me.

My stomach decided to embarrass me by growling loudly, making me blush so hard and my mates letting out soft chuckles.

"Good morning, princess", they both said to me and I smiled at them.

They set the trays on the table, I stretched out my arms and my tits were on full display to them, "we know you are sore from yesterday but if you don't stop that, we won't be able to control ourselves"

I gasped and gulped, I nodded and they set a tray on the bed for me, it was hot chocolate with pancakes, omelette, and bacon.

The smell filled my nose and I let out a little moan at how delicious the food smelled.

I picked up my food and ate quietly.

I could feel their gazes on me when I ate, I raised my eyes to look at them when I noticed it.

Their glowing arms had new patterns to it, "new symbols?" they seemed lost when I asked till I pointed at their chest, "yes, we are mated", they said proudly and my cheeks tinted pink.

"But, there is one more thing we need to do for it to be completed but that would be after you have healed", I knew what they meant, I had to sink my fangs into them to claim them.

I hummed and nodded softly.

My phone pinged and I picked it up, "I am pregnant", I choked on my meal and started coughing, they quickly rushed to me and started checking if I was okay. Kaden went out to get me water while Aiden rubbed my back soothingly to calm me.

Jade had left a text, she was pregnant, wow was she ready to bear pups? My mind drifted away from the food I was eating.

I cleared my throat, I had almost finished the food I was eating but I had lost appetite at the sudden news.

Jade had impeccable timing.

I tried to get off the bed when Kaden picked the tray off me but I winced, the pain that shot through my legs, "fuck", I muttered and looked at Aiden.

He was stifling a laugh, I scowled at him but smiled at him; I enjoyed last night and the thought was causing my pussy to moisten again.

I heard a growl and before I knew it, I was being pinned to the bed and Aiden hovering above me.

His hair fell just slightly to cover a part of his face but I could see his eyes and they held hunger, he drew closer to my neck and sniffed me.

He let out a moan that expanded my wetness, "princess", he all but growled out, it was a warning.

My cheeks flamed up at the thoughts I was having.

The ache was long forgotten and replaced by a new strength I didn't know I had.

I growled and managed to flip Aiden over, my strength surprised me, I sniffed his neck and placed kisses on them.

I stripped him out of his shorts; ripped it more like.

I heard footsteps and I knew Kaden was coming in soon.

I was drenched so I didn't need foreplay, I just needed to sit on his cock for it to fill me up.

I let out a moan when I slid myself onto his cock, "fuck! You are huge" I let out.

He chuckled a bit and watched me intently, I paused and let the feel of his cock was over me; it was a nice feeling.

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