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"The business world is large, try to know if you fit...." it trailed off as the bell rang in the distance signifying the end of class, "don't forget about the quiz tomorrow", the professor said, causing the students to groan and grunt but he didn't care, he was just doing his job.

Faith packed up her bag and walked out with her best friend, Jade, they chatted animatedly and laughed about whatever they found funny, "coming to the club with me?" Faith almost protested till she saw the scowl on Jade's face, "you aren't thinking of saying no right?", she dared Faith and she let out a sigh, rolled her eyes and muttered, "fine, whatever", causing Jade to jump up and hug her tightly.

She had no time for horny men and sweaty bodies, the thought was making her face scrunch up in disgust and her body shiver.

She didn't want to keep that thought running so she shook it out of her mind and entered her room.

She slumped onto her bed and stared at the ceiling.


I hate this feeling, I am just staring at the ceiling and the moment I do, I fall asleep or whatever that is, and those eyes that draw me in. How somehow I wake up turned on by just the intensity of those eyes, and those eyes belong to two people, not just one.

I had been having these dreams since I was eighteen, you know how pathetic that is; I can't even try to get with another guy because I feel as if I am cheating on them but I don't even know who those bloody eyes belong to!

I can't wait to go home after all these years being shipped off to the middle of nowhere just for education and all my parents ever said was, "new environment, new people, live life", I scoff every time they call and keep reminding me of that bullshit.

This place barely had life and the only thing keeping me from going insane was Jade, she's a wolf and sniffed me out even before I did.

She was so territorial the first time we met and I thought she was even my mate but that was so wrong of me because the moon goddess won't pair me with a lady when I am straight right? Or she might just surprise me and be like boom, "a mind fuck, your mate is Jade!"

I hadn't told her about my dreams because it might be stupid to think I was pining over eyes, but fuck those eyes were hot.

Blue as clear as the oceans with gold dotted across them and the other had one of the others but his other blue was a lighter shader, they both draw me in and make my body want to know the face but I never get to see that before something stupidly wakes me up like now when someone is banging on my door as if I owe them the world.

I let out a groan and opened the door to see my best friend standing by it, all dressed up with barely a dress because I could see under her ass cheeks, she scowled at me and walked into my room while I tried to stifle a yawn.

"Are you being serious right now?" she sounded annoyed and I think it was because I wasn't ready or probably forgot I had agreed to go to the club with her.

I let out a sigh, she opened the shower and signalled for me to get in, I rolled my eyes and walked towards it. She smacked my butt causing me to gasp and glare daggers at her but she only snickered.

These are some of the rare moments I hate her but not really hate her because she just wants me to get laid if only she knew.

I showered and came out wrapped in a towel. Jade looked me over and I felt she was checking me out but I was probably overthinking it, she was my best friend for crying out loud.

She drew closer to me, she was quieter than she usually was but I shrugged it off, she's Jade and has mood swings occasionally.

She drew closer to me and took in my appearance, her eyes lingered a bit on my tits and it made me feel uncomfortable, more like I could see two eyes staring sternly at me and probably growling which I was probably making up but I didn't care.

She burst out laughing shortly after, "such a prick!" I muttered just enough for her to hear me, "You looked so flustered Faith, goody-two-shoes", she teased but I didn't find it funny. What was wrong about not having sex, absolutely nothing but you aren't having sex because of the stupid thought you will be cheating on some eyes my mind added and it made me feel crazy.

I had found some weird energy tonight and I uttered something along the lines of, "Let's get wasted tonight, let's go crazy", I said and whooped out loud causing Jade to move back; she was clearly startled and was looking at me as if I just grew another head or that I was completely insane which wasn't far from the truth.

I needed to stop letting those damn eyes dictate my sex life and I needed to let loose for once.

Jade was already in my kitchen starting the party before we even stepped out, she stood with shots of tequila lined up with salt looking like lines of cocaine; like a line and drink.

I let out a snort and joined her, "you look like a meal I can eat", she looked at me and grabbed one of my ass cheeks, I smacked her hands away, join me let's drink and let loose", she said so loud I thought I was going to lose my fucking eardrums,

After downing a couple of shots and I was feeling a little floaty, we decided to order an uber; none of us was in the driving state.

We waited around for the uber and the moment the car arrived we hopped in amidst stupid jokes and laughter from both of us.

We snorted and did dumb shit in the car, this driver was going to give us a bad rating.

We finally pulled up in front of The Coven, such a cheesy name, it was obvious the place was owned by werewolves but I didn't care.

I was eighteen and I didn't even hear a squeak from my so-called wolf so maybe I was human or probably adopted into a wolf family but I didn't care.

I wasn't here to sob or make me feel bad, I was here to forget my problems, those damn eyes, and end up losing my v-card.

We looked hot so we didn't even stand in a queue for long and we were let in, Jade being shameless as always flirted with one of the guards.

I let out a snort and as we entered the club the noise around me grew; I had forgotten the sweaty bodies and the reason I didn't want to come to the club in the first place.

I saw men and men meant my v-card could be finally taken.

The music was loud and it filled my alcohol-crazed mind with ideas, I felt sexier than I already was. I trailed my hands all over my body and oh those eyes were right there and I felt hot and annoyed that even after the shots we took my mind somehow conjured them again.

"Let's get more drinks", I said loud enough for Jade to hear and she nodded, we walked towards the bar and we ordered more shots of tequila.

We giggled like little girls and downed a few but before Jade could down another she let out a growl, looked like she was in a trance, and said the words I never thought I would ever hear from her, "mate", and my eyes grew wide.

I looked in her direction to see her eyes and a new bartender that was a few feet away from where we were and it seemed he caught on because the next moment he had rushed towards Jade and started sucking her face, I mean you get the drill.

She had completely forgotten about my existence, I should probably be hurt by her actions but I knew a long time ago about what the mate bond could do.

The bartender grabbed Jade and quickly rushed out of there, "so much for letting loose", I whispered with my face dropping but I wasn't going to allow those thoughts to stop me from having fun.

"You will not do anything silly", what was that voice? I looked around me but there was no one even paying close attention to me. "Am I going crazy?" I asked no one in particular, "You wish you were", the voice scoffed and I gasped.

I told myself I wasn't drinking anymore seeing as I was hearing voices that didn't exist, I was drunk enough to get through with some sex without thinking of those eyes.

"You will not have sex with anyone", the voice scolded but I wasn't having any of it, I decided it was safe to visit my washroom and wash my face to clear my head a bit.

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