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So much for surprising my dad with my mates, the following days I had a lot of visits; my mates never left my side.

They laid with me in bed and they made breakfast for me, we ordered take-out and watched movies.

I was getting to know them and after two days and insisting so much my ass had a buttplug in it.

They never mentioned when I was going to get fucked but I needed it soon because my pussy couldn't take seeing my mates naked anymore.

Their bare chest, ripped body, fuck! I am drooling again.

I am sure they could smell my arousal but were choosing to ignore it.

I decided I needed a little help from Jade so I called her up, "they don't want to touch me", I whined into the phone, "I might just die", I was being dramatic but I wanted to be filled by them but they weren't giving me that satisfaction.

"I will come and pick you up for shopping, something to seduce them", she replied and her voice had this evil hint to it and I knew mischievous Jade was out to play.

"Aye, bitch", I said to her and she giggled, she only giggles when she is about to do something very naughty.

I quickly took a bath and waited patiently for Jade; patient meant checking the clock every minute and blowing up her phone for being late when in fact she wasn't even late at all.

"Dick clearly changes people", she said sullenly, she was pretending, I rolled my eyes, picked up my bag, travelled and walked towards her.

"Let's go to the new Fenty store", she smiled so wide I thought I could actually see all her thirty-two teeth.

Jade loved shopping and dressing people up, I can't imagine how she feels right now.

We got into her car and she reversed like a maniac and cackled like a witch. How I ended up with a best friend like Jade baffled me.

She drove so fast I was scared we were going to be stopped by the police or have an accident, she called me a chicken for telling her to drive a little slower but she wouldn't listen.

We got to the Fenty store and we entered.

I paid close attention to Jade, she was glowing and not just the sex glow, she looked radiant as if she was pregnant.

"Are you pregnant?" I blurted out without even thinking, by the time my mind registered what I had said out loud I placed a hand on my mouth.

"What?" she laughed nervously and I felt she didn't even know it yet, "come on, Faith, let's get some lingerie to seduce some mates", she said, steering the conversation away from her.

She picked up stuff after stuff and made me try them on.

She knew my size so she picked the right items for me.

We quickly bagged whatever we got and went to the cashier, they ran it up and billed us, this was just a dent in the money my dad always sent me so I wasn't bothered.

Jade looked anxious and I had never seen her this way before but I soon understood, "let's pass by the pharmacy to get some test kits", I nodded in approval.

We drove past the pharmacy and picked up about ten different brands of kits, I just didn't need her to be frightened but I think she knew she was pregnant.

I am a wolf and I smelled her subconsciously if there is one thing I know about us wolves; it is that we have fucking good sense of smell so I knew she knew she was but just scared to check it.

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