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I will be switching POVs between Aiden and Kaden a lot, I just hope it won't get confusing and I will leave little clues for you to tell the difference

It had been a week since Faith was taken, we've not had enough sleep.

Our wolves have been whimpering and a lot quieter than they used to be; we miss her too.

We found her not for long and someone just decided to spring in and steal her from right under us.

The thought made our rage bubble up but we knew better than to go on an angry rampage, she wouldn't want that.

We were also patiently waiting for our mother to contact us with any information about Faith.

While we waited on mother we didn't sit around idle, we tried to find anything or any sign of her whereabouts but nothing.

We found Jade and asked about Faith from her but she had no clue where she was.

Our phones beeped at the same time, we stared into each other's eyes and wondered what exactly it was.

We shrugged and unlocked our phones, the message was a picture of Faith, she looked tired and dirty.

Our jaws clenched and we almost destroyed the phones that were in our hands from pressing them too hard.

I was going to kill somebody, our eyes flashed and we remember a little message was attached to the picture of her.

We looked at the picture and studied it for a bit, she was in a fucking cage! Our wolves let out growls.

The message said underneath it said, "a mate for a mate, ask mother dearest", that was a mocking tone but we were more concerned about what role our mother played in all this.

Why take revenge by taking Faith instead of confronting the woman herself, dammit!

Our fingers tapped impatiently on our phones but we stopped. Kaden asked Aiden to make the call instead.

I couldn't contain my anger, I paced about as Aiden called mother.

I wasn't in the right frame of mind to hold conversations with my mother and also to find out how she had a hand in this whole capture of Faith.

The thought was making me boil inside and Hunther wasn't sitting still either. He was snarling and growling; who does shit like that?

"We will rip them apart", he sounded grave and I couldn't fault him, he was pained and angry that they put their hand on Lily.

"The witch's mate?" My thoughts finally cleared and I heard what Aiden asked mother.

"He didn't age?" he asked her while pacing from one side of the room to the other, "is he a wolf?" he asked again and listened intently to our mother.

He let out a growl which probably means he is a wolf, "what do you think he wants with her?" I could hear my mother's muffled voice over the phone but I couldn't make out what she was saying.

He decided to put it on speaker so I can listen too, his jaw was clenching and unclenching, the veins in his head were popping out and his eyes were shifting between his normal blue to gold.

"What did he say to you?" she asked and I replied, "a mate for a mate, ask mother dearest", I sneered at the last part.

She gasped and I scoffed, "what does it mean, mother?" Aiden asked impatiently. I thought I was the only one who was getting impatient.

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