☠︎︎"𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒂𝒏. 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖"☠︎︎

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In nineteenth-century France, humans and vampires coexist and unfortunately, I am a vampire.

My name is (OC). I am currently 18 years old and I am turning 19 next week. My parents are dead because they are vampires and they are hunted by humans. I don't have any grudge against humans because my parents are pretty fucked up people. They abused me every day since I was a kid so they deserved it. I am a vampire with a strange power and I just realized it when I was gone from that ugly home or should I say very obnoxious prison. My power is to control vampires and I can do a lot of things too but the bad thing is every time I use this power my addiction to blood is increasing and I get tired easily, like when I use my power and I suddenly saw or smell fresh blood I will without a doubt drink all of the fresh blood from that person, animal or vampire without me even realizing it.

When I was 14 years old I was trying to figure out what happened to my best friend a while back and that cause me my mission.

My best friend is a vampire too and we are very close, we met when I was 9 years old while I was hunting for food in the forest that I used to live in to get away from my parents and I saw them hunting for food too. From that on we became the best of friends and we never leave each other's sides, we would always hunt food together and we had a lot of fun. But 5 years later they got sick and I didn't know what to do since I thought vampires don't get sick at all. So I tried to use my powers on them cause they are acting weird after a few days they got sick.
Using my power I got inside my best friend's mind and I saw a shadow-looking person with a red face?

Inside my BestFriend's Mind

The shadow keeps saying to them "Give me your name" multiple times and my best friend keeps rejecting the shadow's offer. I saw that my friend is struggling and having a hard time so I tried to push away the shadow in front of them but... I can't touch either of them maybe because this is the first time that I tried this so maybe I am not used to this power?

I got out of my best friend's mind and start thinking 'Maybe if I try this multiple times I can heal my best friend? And who is that shadow? Is it harming my bestfriend?' While thinking I heard a growl in my stomach since I used my power I became hungry too fast... After a few days, I kept trying but it doesn't work and my best friend's condition is getting worse every day. After a week, I got to my best friend's mind again.

Inside my BestFriend's Mind
I need to try harder again for the sake of my friendship. I saw my best friend but I was shocked as I felt tears falling on my cheeks because I saw my best friend being tied up in chains and they had a lot of bruises all over their body. I ran up to them and I tried to touch their face and I am surprised that I can touch and feel their cheeks. "(BF/N), are you okay?! Wait let me help you get down... Don't worry (BF/N) I will save you from this hell." I said to them while I am trying to break the chains tied up to them, "(OC)! what are you doing here? Get out of here right now!!" They said with an angry but dejected voice "No, I'm gonna save you, and I will beat the hell out of that stupid shadow thing." I said to them, I saw their face looking so afraid behind my back "Oh, well that's unexpected, I didn't know that two people can get into one's consciousness" I turned around "Well, what about you ugly shadow? That makes us three bitch!" I shouted charging straight to the shadow "Oh, me? Of course, I can do anything I want, I am An Unknown Force named Charlatan and I am responsible for corrupting the sick vampires" The shadow said while it blocked my punch. Suddenly I was thrown to the side by absolutely nothing and the shadow started to walk near my best friend. The shadow touched my best friend's cheek and I wanted to stand up but I can't, I think something is holding me down. "Don't fucking try to touch them another time or i-" The shadow starts to choke my best friend and I saw my best friend not moving after that. I shouted multiple times to stop what the dreadful shadow is doing but suddenly I can stand up again and I tried to run to my best friend without paying attention to that bastard and then started shouting "(BF/N)! Wake up, wait drink my blood. Please just do-"

I woke up and look around and I saw my best friend's dead body. I got thrown up to their mind because they died. I tried to give them my blood but they are not breathing anymore. I couldn't do anything. Because of that piece of shit, THAT SHADOW BITCH! I got up and start to bury my best friend's body and from that time on, I promise our friendship that I will take revenge for both my best friend and me. "What's that shadow's name again... Oh, Charlatan. I will kill you."

Updated: 06/20/2022

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